1859 - Layne to John Steptoe, et al. - Bedford Co, VA
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1859 - Layne to John Steptoe, et al. - Bedford Co, VA
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Text of Freedom Document
Deed Book 41, Pag 76
Layne to John & Others
Know all men by these presents that I Martha Layne of the County of Bedford and State of Virginia, from motives of benevolence have manumitted and set free from slavery and do hereby manumit and set from slavery my negro man John known the better by the name of John Steptoe aged about 59 years together with his wife Lucy and their five children to wit, A girl by the name of Sally, another give by the name of Ann, a boy by the name of McHenry one by the name of John Pate and the youngest named Hopelast together with an infant the child of the first named girl Sally-And I do hereby give grant and release unto said John and his children above named all my right, title and _____ of in and to their persons labour & services and to the persons, labour, services of their children, and of, in and to all the estate and property which they or either one of them may hereafter acquire or obtain In m____ whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 6th day of October 1859
Witnessed by
Martha Layne
J A Rogers
J D Leslie
In Bedford County Court Clerks Office October 27th, 1859
This deed of Emancipation from Martha Layne to John & others, her late slaves was produced in said office & proved according to law by the oath of J.D. Leslie a subscribing witness thereto = And thereafter to with = In the said Office on the 14th day of November 1859= This deed of emancipation was further recording prove by the oath of I J.A. Rogers the other subscribing witness thereto & admitted to record
AA Arthur CBC
Layne to John & Others
Know all men by these presents that I Martha Layne of the County of Bedford and State of Virginia, from motives of benevolence have manumitted and set free from slavery and do hereby manumit and set from slavery my negro man John known the better by the name of John Steptoe aged about 59 years together with his wife Lucy and their five children to wit, A girl by the name of Sally, another give by the name of Ann, a boy by the name of McHenry one by the name of John Pate and the youngest named Hopelast together with an infant the child of the first named girl Sally-And I do hereby give grant and release unto said John and his children above named all my right, title and _____ of in and to their persons labour & services and to the persons, labour, services of their children, and of, in and to all the estate and property which they or either one of them may hereafter acquire or obtain In m____ whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 6th day of October 1859
Witnessed by
Martha Layne
J A Rogers
J D Leslie
In Bedford County Court Clerks Office October 27th, 1859
This deed of Emancipation from Martha Layne to John & others, her late slaves was produced in said office & proved according to law by the oath of J.D. Leslie a subscribing witness thereto = And thereafter to with = In the said Office on the 14th day of November 1859= This deed of emancipation was further recording prove by the oath of I J.A. Rogers the other subscribing witness thereto & admitted to record
AA Arthur CBC
Record Location
B41, P76 (land)
Document Type
“1859 - Layne to John Steptoe, et al. - Bedford Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/834.