1856 - Jones to Grayson - Bedford Co, VA
Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata
Number of Persons
Lafayett Lee
Text of Freedom Document
Deed Book 38, Pg 212
Whereas Sarah Jones late of the county of Bedford and state of Virginia by her last will and
testament as which has been lawfully admitted to probate in the county court of said county
emancipated her negro man slave called Grayson, I Lafayette Lee as the administrator with the
will annexed of said decedent do hereby assent to the legacy of freedom aforesaid to said slave
Witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of Feby. 1856
Lafayette Lee seal
At a court held for Bedford County at the courthouse the 25th day of February 1856
This deed of emancipation from Lafayette Lee administrator with the will annexed of Sarah
Jones decd. to Grayson and a late slave of the said decedent was produced in court and
acknowledged by the said Lafayette Lee and ordered to be recorded.
A A Arthur clk.
Whereas Sarah Jones late of the county of Bedford and state of Virginia by her last will and
testament as which has been lawfully admitted to probate in the county court of said county
emancipated her negro man slave called Grayson, I Lafayette Lee as the administrator with the
will annexed of said decedent do hereby assent to the legacy of freedom aforesaid to said slave
Witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of Feby. 1856
Lafayette Lee seal
At a court held for Bedford County at the courthouse the 25th day of February 1856
This deed of emancipation from Lafayette Lee administrator with the will annexed of Sarah
Jones decd. to Grayson and a late slave of the said decedent was produced in court and
acknowledged by the said Lafayette Lee and ordered to be recorded.
A A Arthur clk.
Record Location
B38, P212 (land) - see 1856 will
Document Type
“1856 - Jones to Grayson - Bedford Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/829.