1844 - Medley to Dick, et al. - Bedford Co, VA
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1844 - Medley to Dick, et al. - Bedford Co, VA
Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata
Number of Persons
Stephen C. Hunt, Nathan Newsome
William Dickinson, William Mead
Text of Freedom Document
Deed Book 31, Pg 221
To all whom these presents shall come greeting: Know ye that in pursuance of the last will and
testament of Sarah Medley deceased late of the county of Bedford and State of Virginia of whom
I William Mead of said county and the sole acting executor, the other executor named in said
will to wit William Dickinson having declined to qualify as such: I the said William Mead the
acting executor aforesaid do hereby assent to the legacy of freedom bequeathed in the said last
will and testament to the following persons of colour, late slaves of the deceased but in virtue of
the said last will and testament and of these presents and now entitled to their freedom, namely
Dick, Winnie (wife of Dick) Humphrey, Rhoda, George, and Nathan (children of Rhoda)
Solomon, Betty, Manson, James, Wingfield, and Ned. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed my seal this 3rd day of October one thousand eight hundred forty four,
William Mead seal
signed sealed and delivered
in the presence of
In Bedford County Court Clerks office October 3rd 1844. This deed of emancipation from
William Mead executor of Sarah Medley deceased to Dick and others late slaves of said
decedent was produced in office acknowledged by said Mead and admitted to record.
R.C. Mitchell CBC
To all whom these presents shall come greeting: Know ye that in pursuance of the last will and
testament of Sarah Medley deceased late of the county of Bedford and State of Virginia of whom
I William Mead of said county and the sole acting executor, the other executor named in said
will to wit William Dickinson having declined to qualify as such: I the said William Mead the
acting executor aforesaid do hereby assent to the legacy of freedom bequeathed in the said last
will and testament to the following persons of colour, late slaves of the deceased but in virtue of
the said last will and testament and of these presents and now entitled to their freedom, namely
Dick, Winnie (wife of Dick) Humphrey, Rhoda, George, and Nathan (children of Rhoda)
Solomon, Betty, Manson, James, Wingfield, and Ned. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed my seal this 3rd day of October one thousand eight hundred forty four,
William Mead seal
signed sealed and delivered
in the presence of
In Bedford County Court Clerks office October 3rd 1844. This deed of emancipation from
William Mead executor of Sarah Medley deceased to Dick and others late slaves of said
decedent was produced in office acknowledged by said Mead and admitted to record.
R.C. Mitchell CBC
Record Location
B31, P221 - see 1843 will
Document Type
“1844 - Medley to Dick, et al. - Bedford Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 10, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/815.