1859 - Kinckle to John Christian - Lynchburg, VA

Dublin Core


1859 - Kinckle to John Christian - Lynchburg, VA




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Number of Persons



W.L. Saunders

Text of Freedom Document

This deed made this twenty third day of September 1859 between William H Kinckle of the City of Lynchburg in the state of Virginia of the first part, and John Christian (a negro, and heretofore and now, the slave of the said William H. Kinckle), of the second part witnesseth, that for divers good and sufficient considerations, him thereto moving, he the
said William H. Kinckle, doth hereby grant unto him the said John Christian, his freedom, and doth manumit, and discharge from slavery, and from all right, and claim to his services, him the said John Christian, subject only to the laws of the state of Virginia, applicable to such cases. Witness the following signatures and seals the day and year first above written.
W. H. Kinckle (Seal)
Virginia. City of Lynchburg to wit.
I W L Saunders a justice of the peace in and for the City aforesaid, do certify that William H. Kinckle, whose name is signed to the writing above, bearing date the 23d Day of September 1859, this day personally appeared before me in my corporation aforesaid, and acknowledged the same.

Given under my hand this 23d day of September 1859 W L Saunders J.P. - In the clerks office of the Court of Hustings for the City of Lynchburg September 23 1859, This deed was presented, and being duly certified, was admitted to record.
teste J. C. Didlake ck [clerk] Paid
Wm [William] H. Kinckle to John Christian } Deed of Manumission
1859 Sept. 23 filed in office & admitted to record.
Teste. J.C.D. ck [clerk]
[illegible] 476

Record Location

DB V:476




“1859 - Kinckle to John Christian - Lynchburg, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 10, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/777.