1856 - North to George Pryor, Daphne - Lynchburg, VA

Dublin Core


1856 - North to George Pryor, Daphne - Lynchburg, VA




Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata




Number of Persons


Self Purchase Amount


Text of Freedom Document

Deed book U, page 328
Know all men by these presents that I Sarah L North of the City of Lynchburg in the state of
Virginia for and in consideration of the sum of $115 to me in land paid by George Pryor, a negro
man, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do manumit and set from free from slavery the
said George Pryor and Daphne his wife he bring now more than 80 years old and his wife more
than 70 years old and I do here by give grant and release unto the said George and Daphne as
foresaid all of my right title and claim, of in and to their persons. Labor of services and of in and
to all of the estate and property which day or either of them may hereafter obtain or acquire in
testimony where of a hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of May in the year 1856.
Sara L North seal
City of Lynchburg to Wit:
I, J.M. Cobbs a justice of the peace of the for the city aforesaid in the state of Virginia do certify
that Sarah L North. whose name is signed to the writing above, having, date on the 9th day of
May in the year 1856, has acknowledged the same before me in my above say given under my
hand this 9th day of May in the year 1856
J. M. Cobbs, JP
In the clerks office of the Court of Hustings for the City of Lynchburg May 9th 1856. This deed
was this day filed with the certificate of acknowledgment thereon endorsed and admitted to
James Benagh CK

Record Location

DB U:328


Elderly couple being freed




“1856 - North to George Pryor, Daphne - Lynchburg, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/775.