1851 - Ward to Leander Harrison - Lynchburg, VA
Dublin Core
1851 - Ward to Leander Harrison - Lynchburg, VA
Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata
Second Manumitter
Adeline Ward
Number of Persons
Self Purchase Amount
Text of Freedom Document
Deed book S, page 428
Know all men by these presents we Adeline Ward and James B Ward the latter is admin with the
will annexed of James B Risque decd. do in consideration of good conduct and in further
consideration that he hath by his own labor an extra times paid to the same James R. Ward as
administrator aforesaid the sum of nine hundred dollars of lawful money- liberate- emancipate
and forever set free Leander Harrison, a bander by profession in to take effect and be in full
force and venture from this day. In witness whereof the parties have hereto set their hand and
seals this 29th day of July 1857.
Adaline E Ward seal
James B Ward. Seal
Admn. Of J.B Risque Decd.
Corporation of Lynchburg town: I David W. Bunton Justice of the peace for the corporation
aforesaid and State of of Virginia do certify that Adeline E. Ward in James B. Ward whose
names are signed to the writing above bearing date on 29th day July 1857 have a knowledge the
same before me in my corporation aforesaid. Given under my hand this 1st day of August A.D.
David W Burton JP seal
In the clerkâs office of the court of the corporation of Lynchburg August 2, 1857. This deed of
emancipation was filed with certificate of acknowledgment endorsed and was admitted recorded
James Benagh, CK,
Know all men by these presents we Adeline Ward and James B Ward the latter is admin with the
will annexed of James B Risque decd. do in consideration of good conduct and in further
consideration that he hath by his own labor an extra times paid to the same James R. Ward as
administrator aforesaid the sum of nine hundred dollars of lawful money- liberate- emancipate
and forever set free Leander Harrison, a bander by profession in to take effect and be in full
force and venture from this day. In witness whereof the parties have hereto set their hand and
seals this 29th day of July 1857.
Adaline E Ward seal
James B Ward. Seal
Admn. Of J.B Risque Decd.
Corporation of Lynchburg town: I David W. Bunton Justice of the peace for the corporation
aforesaid and State of of Virginia do certify that Adeline E. Ward in James B. Ward whose
names are signed to the writing above bearing date on 29th day July 1857 have a knowledge the
same before me in my corporation aforesaid. Given under my hand this 1st day of August A.D.
David W Burton JP seal
In the clerkâs office of the court of the corporation of Lynchburg August 2, 1857. This deed of
emancipation was filed with certificate of acknowledgment endorsed and was admitted recorded
James Benagh, CK,
Record Location
DB S:428
Secondary Source
Free Blacks of Lynchburg VA 1805-1865
“1851 - Ward to Leander Harrison - Lynchburg, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 11, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/771.