1849 - Tucker to John Harris - Lynchburg, VA

Dublin Core


1849 - Tucker to John Harris - Lynchburg, VA




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Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

Know all Men by these presents that I George Tucker, late of the commonwealth of Virginia, but now residing
in the City of Philadelphia, have for & in consideration of the past services of my man slave John Harris now
in the town of Lynchburg in the Commonwealth aforesaid, and for other good causes, emancipated & set free,
and by these presents do emancipate & set free the said John Harris. In witness whereof I have hereto set my
hand & seal this 11th of November 1848.
George Tucker (Seal)
Before us John Thompson and Armon Davis Aldermen and ex officio Justices of the Peace in and for the City
of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, personally came George Tucker, above named, and in due form
of law acknowledged the above written Instrument to be his act and deed and devised that the same might be
recorded as such. Witness our hands and seals this Eleventh day of December A.D. 1848.
John Thompson (Seal)
Aldrn. & ex officio J. P.
Armon Davis (Seal)
Alderman & ex officio a Justice of the Peace -In the Lynchburg Hustings Court, January term, 1848.
The foregoing deed of emancipation from George Tucker to John Harris with certificate of acknowledgement
endorsed was presented and ordered to be recorded.
James Benagh, ck.

Record Location

DB R:210




“1849 - Tucker to John Harris - Lynchburg, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/766.