1849 - Lazenby to Nancy, Davy, Charles - Lynchburg, VA

Dublin Core


1849 - Lazenby to Nancy, Davy, Charles - Lynchburg, VA


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Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

Deed book R, page 357
Whereas Mildred Echols by her last will and testament dated August 15th 1839 proved and
recorded in the office of the Hustings Court of Lynchburg emancipate and set free
unconditionally her slave woman Nancy to take affect at the death of the said testatrix and did
more over thereby emancipate and set free Dave and Charles children of said Nancy and any her
future increase, as they, the said Davy and Charles and such future increase should attain the age
of twenty five years respectively meanwhile and from the time of her death until said slaves
should each attain said age of twenty five years bequeathing there possession use and labor to
me the undersigned and whereas since the making of said will the sad slave Nancy have had a
child named Eliza now aged about 3 years who as to her service and her freedom at the age of 25
years stand in like manner with said David or Davey and Charles. And since the death of said
Mildred Echols, I have qualified as the administrator with the will annexed of said testatrix and
yet so continue as will appear by the said will and the records of the Hustings Court of
now this indenture witnesseth That in consideration of the premises and of giving good cause
me thereto moving, I do hearby emancipate, liberate and forever release the said slaves Davy,
Charles and Eliza, aged respectfully about 12, 10 and 3 years from their labor, service and
slavery for me imposed upon them by said will: and do from this day forward forever grant them
and the future increase of the sad Eliza their unconditional and absolute freedom. And witness
whereof I have hereto set my hand and I affixed my seal the 2nd day of November Anno
Domini 1849.
Henry Lazenby, seal
In the Lynchburg Hustings Court, November 5th 1849. The foregoing deed Of emancipation
being acknowledged in open court by Henry Lazenby party grantor thereto was ordered to be
teste - James Benagh CK.

Record Location

DB R:357



“1849 - Lazenby to Nancy, Davy, Charles - Lynchburg, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/765.