1844 - Boyd to Hannah Robinson - Lynchburg, VA
Dublin Core
1844 - Boyd to Hannah Robinson - Lynchburg, VA
Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata
Number of Persons
William A. Watson
Text of Freedom Document
I James M. Boyd of the Town of Lynchburg Campbell County Va do hereby emancipate & set free forever my
Slave Hannah Robinson aged about Forty years & darke complexion & do by these presents declare the said
Hannah to be henceforth free & forever discharged from all manner of Slavery or servitude.
In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand & affix my seal this thirtieth day of December 1843.
Witness James M. Boyd (Seal)
Wm [William] A. Watson
At a Court of Hustings of monthly sessions held for the town of Lynchburg at the Court house in said town on
Monday the 10 day of January 1844.
A Deed of Emancipation from James M. Boyd to his slave Hannah Robinson, was this day acknowledged by
the said James M. Boyd, and ordered to be recorded.
A Copy
Jas [James] Benagh C. - Jas [James] M. Boyd
To Deed Emancip,
Hannah Robinson
Jany. Ct. 1844
Book P--462
Slave Hannah Robinson aged about Forty years & darke complexion & do by these presents declare the said
Hannah to be henceforth free & forever discharged from all manner of Slavery or servitude.
In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand & affix my seal this thirtieth day of December 1843.
Witness James M. Boyd (Seal)
Wm [William] A. Watson
At a Court of Hustings of monthly sessions held for the town of Lynchburg at the Court house in said town on
Monday the 10 day of January 1844.
A Deed of Emancipation from James M. Boyd to his slave Hannah Robinson, was this day acknowledged by
the said James M. Boyd, and ordered to be recorded.
A Copy
Jas [James] Benagh C. - Jas [James] M. Boyd
To Deed Emancip,
Hannah Robinson
Jany. Ct. 1844
Book P--462
Record Location
DB P:462
“1844 - Boyd to Hannah Robinson - Lynchburg, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/758.