1838 - Williamson to William - Campbell Co, VA
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1838 - Williamson to William - Campbell Co, VA
Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata
Number of Persons
John Williamson, Stephen Perrow
Text of Freedom Document
County wills book 8, pg 202-203 In the name of God Amen. I Deboux Williamson being of weak health and strength, but sound of
mind, do hereby make my last will and testament – I give to my brother Archibald Williamson
the tract of land or plantation where he now lives, During his life time but no longer- I give to
Deboux Williamson son of said Archibald all my land in Campbell County including the said
tract after my brothers death.- I give to my beloved wife the tract of land on which I now live
during her life- And I also give her all my other property to hold and use during her life,
excepting the land given to my brother for his life- After my wifes death, I give one bed to said
Deboux Williamson, and also all of my other property, I then give to him. But my wife may give
her bed, and any other furniture to whom she may please After the Death of my wife. I will that
my negro Man William should have his freedom in a manner according to the laws of the state,
and be no longer a slave I give to him, said negro William, a horse. The one that is now a colt
two year old. The only one I have, my said slave having paid me for his freedom, I desire that he
should be free after the death of my wife- I hereby revoke all other
Wills heretofore made by me, Given under my hand and seal this 10th day of November 1834
Deboux Williamson seal
His X Mark
Acknowledged in presence of
Henry B. Ely
John Williamson
Stephen Perrow
I hereby appoint my wife Martha Williamson Executrix to this my last will and testament
Deboux Williamson
His X Mark
Henry B Ely
John Hockaday
At a Court held for Campbell County the 9th day of April 1838
The foregoing last will and testament of Deboux Williamson deceased, was produced in court
proved by the oaths of John Williamson and Stephen Perrow two of the witnesses thereto
subscribed and ordered to be recorded.
Teste- John Alexander C
mind, do hereby make my last will and testament – I give to my brother Archibald Williamson
the tract of land or plantation where he now lives, During his life time but no longer- I give to
Deboux Williamson son of said Archibald all my land in Campbell County including the said
tract after my brothers death.- I give to my beloved wife the tract of land on which I now live
during her life- And I also give her all my other property to hold and use during her life,
excepting the land given to my brother for his life- After my wifes death, I give one bed to said
Deboux Williamson, and also all of my other property, I then give to him. But my wife may give
her bed, and any other furniture to whom she may please After the Death of my wife. I will that
my negro Man William should have his freedom in a manner according to the laws of the state,
and be no longer a slave I give to him, said negro William, a horse. The one that is now a colt
two year old. The only one I have, my said slave having paid me for his freedom, I desire that he
should be free after the death of my wife- I hereby revoke all other
Wills heretofore made by me, Given under my hand and seal this 10th day of November 1834
Deboux Williamson seal
His X Mark
Acknowledged in presence of
Henry B. Ely
John Williamson
Stephen Perrow
I hereby appoint my wife Martha Williamson Executrix to this my last will and testament
Deboux Williamson
His X Mark
Henry B Ely
John Hockaday
At a Court held for Campbell County the 9th day of April 1838
The foregoing last will and testament of Deboux Williamson deceased, was produced in court
proved by the oaths of John Williamson and Stephen Perrow two of the witnesses thereto
subscribed and ordered to be recorded.
Teste- John Alexander C
Record Location
WB 8:202-203
Document Type
“1838 - Williamson to William - Campbell Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 12, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/687.