1824 - Winston to Reubin, Anaca, Louisa, Willis - Campbell Co, VA
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1824 - Winston to Reubin, Anaca, Louisa, Willis - Campbell Co, VA
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Number of Persons
Text of Freedom Document
Whereas I Pleasant Winston of the County of Henrico and the State of Virginia, being the owner of the
followling slaves to wit: Reubin aged about Seventeen years, Anaca aged about thirty five years & her two
children, Louisa aged about three years & Willis aged about one year, And Whereas I having determined
from conscientious motives, that the aforesaid slaves together with the future increase of the females, shall
enjoy their freedom & the benefit of their labours after the males shall arrive to the age of twenty one & the
females to the age of Eighteen Respectively[.]
Now Therefore This Indenture Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of five dollars to me in
hand paid by Genge [George?] Winston of the city of Richmond the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge
but more especially for the purpose aforesaid expressed I have bargained and sold and do by these presents
bargain, sell & transfer unto the said Genge Winston his executors or administrators all the aforementioned
slaves together with the future increase of the females. Nevertheless upon this special trust & confidence, that
is to say, that the said Genge Winston, his executors or administrators, shall whenever the laws of this state
will permit it to be done, Emancipate and set free all the aforenamed slaves, together with the future - increase of the females & if the said Genge Winston for the (benefit of said slaves) shall at any time think
proper to send them to a free state, he shall with the Consent of the said slaves, be at liberty to do so. And he
the said Genge Winston do by these presents, binds himself his Executors & administrators to the full &
faithfull performance of the Trust hereby reposed in him. In Testimony whereof we the said Pleasant Winston
& Genge Winston have hereunto set our hands & seals this fifth day of eleventh month, eighteen hundred &
twenty four.
Pleas't Winston (Seal)
City of Richmond, to wit we A Pleasants (Seal) and J H Eustace Justices of the Peace in and for the
Corporation aforesaid, do hereby certify that Pleasant Winston party to a certain deed, bearing date the 5th day
of [N]ovember 1824 and hereunto annexed pearsonally [personally] appeared before us in our [corporation?]
aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his act & deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement
to the County Court of Campbell in order that the same may be recorded. Given under our hands & seals this
6th day of November 1824[.]
A Pleasants (Seal)
J H Eustace (Seal) - Pleas't Winston to George Winston Deed
Winston To Winston } Deed
Recorded Page 530 B 14.
At a Court continued and held for Campbell County November 10th 1824. This deed of trust together with the
certificate of the acknowledgement thereof was produced in Court and ordered to be recorded[.]
John Alexander C
followling slaves to wit: Reubin aged about Seventeen years, Anaca aged about thirty five years & her two
children, Louisa aged about three years & Willis aged about one year, And Whereas I having determined
from conscientious motives, that the aforesaid slaves together with the future increase of the females, shall
enjoy their freedom & the benefit of their labours after the males shall arrive to the age of twenty one & the
females to the age of Eighteen Respectively[.]
Now Therefore This Indenture Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of five dollars to me in
hand paid by Genge [George?] Winston of the city of Richmond the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge
but more especially for the purpose aforesaid expressed I have bargained and sold and do by these presents
bargain, sell & transfer unto the said Genge Winston his executors or administrators all the aforementioned
slaves together with the future increase of the females. Nevertheless upon this special trust & confidence, that
is to say, that the said Genge Winston, his executors or administrators, shall whenever the laws of this state
will permit it to be done, Emancipate and set free all the aforenamed slaves, together with the future - increase of the females & if the said Genge Winston for the (benefit of said slaves) shall at any time think
proper to send them to a free state, he shall with the Consent of the said slaves, be at liberty to do so. And he
the said Genge Winston do by these presents, binds himself his Executors & administrators to the full &
faithfull performance of the Trust hereby reposed in him. In Testimony whereof we the said Pleasant Winston
& Genge Winston have hereunto set our hands & seals this fifth day of eleventh month, eighteen hundred &
twenty four.
Pleas't Winston (Seal)
City of Richmond, to wit we A Pleasants (Seal) and J H Eustace Justices of the Peace in and for the
Corporation aforesaid, do hereby certify that Pleasant Winston party to a certain deed, bearing date the 5th day
of [N]ovember 1824 and hereunto annexed pearsonally [personally] appeared before us in our [corporation?]
aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his act & deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement
to the County Court of Campbell in order that the same may be recorded. Given under our hands & seals this
6th day of November 1824[.]
A Pleasants (Seal)
J H Eustace (Seal) - Pleas't Winston to George Winston Deed
Winston To Winston } Deed
Recorded Page 530 B 14.
At a Court continued and held for Campbell County November 10th 1824. This deed of trust together with the
certificate of the acknowledgement thereof was produced in Court and ordered to be recorded[.]
John Alexander C
Record Location
B 14:530
Document Type
“1824 - Winston to Reubin, Anaca, Louisa, Willis - Campbell Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/681.