1792 - Hendrake to Gilbert Cyrus - Campbell Co, VA
Dublin Core
1792 - Hendrake to Gilbert Cyrus - Campbell Co, VA
Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata
Number of Persons
Micajah Davis, David Terrell, Sam Welch
Text of Freedom Document
I Moses Hendrake being possest [possessed] of a Negro boy Named Gilbert Cyrus do for my Self my Heirs &
Assigns Release unto the Said Gilbert Cyrus all Claim or pretentions of Claim to him or any Property that he
may Acquire after he Shall arrive to the Age of Twenty one Years which will Happen on Twentieth of the
Seventh Month one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety nine in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my
hand & Seal this 20th day of the 7th Month 1791.
Moses Hendricks (Seal)
Signed Sealed & Deliver[e]d in presence of } Micajah Davis af[,] Sam Welch[,] David Terrell af, At A Court Held for Campbell County June 7th 1792. The within Manumission was Proved by the Solemn
Affirmation of Micajah Davis & David Terrell and Ordered to be Recorded[.]
Ro Alexander CCClerk Hendrick to Gilbert Cyrus } Emancipation
208 Ex'd
Hendrake To Gilbert Cyrus Deed of Emancipation
Assigns Release unto the Said Gilbert Cyrus all Claim or pretentions of Claim to him or any Property that he
may Acquire after he Shall arrive to the Age of Twenty one Years which will Happen on Twentieth of the
Seventh Month one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety nine in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my
hand & Seal this 20th day of the 7th Month 1791.
Moses Hendricks (Seal)
Signed Sealed & Deliver[e]d in presence of } Micajah Davis af[,] Sam Welch[,] David Terrell af, At A Court Held for Campbell County June 7th 1792. The within Manumission was Proved by the Solemn
Affirmation of Micajah Davis & David Terrell and Ordered to be Recorded[.]
Ro Alexander CCClerk Hendrick to Gilbert Cyrus } Emancipation
208 Ex'd
Hendrake To Gilbert Cyrus Deed of Emancipation
Record Location
B 3:208
Document Type
Secondary Source
Campbell Court Deed Index
“1792 - Hendrake to Gilbert Cyrus - Campbell Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/655.