1814 - Scott to Pellum - Chesterfield Co, VA
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In the name of God Amen. I Elizabeth Scott of the County of Chesterfield, being weak of body, but of disposing memory, do make and ordain the following clauses and sentences, my last will and testament in manner and form following.
Imprimis. It is my will and desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be punctually paid, and particularly request the burial of the dead alone to be read over me, and no other ceremony performed.
2ndly I desire my executors after I die to deliver to my brother James Scott his bond for forty five pound now in my possession which I give him.
3rdly It is my will and desire that my brother James Scott other bond, dated the sixth day of November eighteen hundred & ten now in my possession for the amount of seventy five pound be held against him, subject to the interest accruing thereon for the benefit of William A Martin’s son, until he arrives at the age of twenty one years, when I wish him to have the privilege of collecting it, with its interest for his benefit, but provided brother James Scott does not continue to live in this part of the world but moves or dies, in either of these cases, I wish my executors to collect the bond immediately and hold the money, which is derived from the bond and its interest, until William A. Martin’s son becomes of age, and then give it to him, which I give to him, and his lawful issue.
4thly I give to my niece Lucy Pointer my negro girls Winney and Mary together with my bed the furniture and seal skin trunk, all which I give unto her and her lawful issue.
5thly I give to William A. Martin my nephew the hire my negro boy with this provision, that he shall give him a good warm suit of clothes. I also desire my executors after paying my just debts funeral charges and other charges named in this will, that they give the balance of the money left to William A. Martin. I wish it clearly understood the balance of the money arising from the collection of debts now due me and money on hand at my dec’d which I give to him and his lawful issue.
6thly It is my desire my executors shall give all my negroes a good warm suit of clothes before they are sold.
7thly I give my nephew Peter Jones Branch my negro boy Ben; with this special provision that he shall be bound by my Executors to some trade, to be chosen by Peter Jones Branch, until he comes to the lawful age of twenty one years, when I wish him to take possession of him, and give the boy to him and his lawful issue.
8thly I desire my executors to sell the balance of my negroes not before disposed of, on a credit of twelve months, with this express condition, that the negroes shall choose their masters in the price asked for them shall only be a reasonable one.
9thly I desire my executors to collect the money for which my negroes sell, and place it in the bank of Virginia at Richmond for the purpose hereafter to be expressed. And shall any other property, or money, fall to me in reversion or remainder, I wish that property sold, and the money arising from the sale with any money coming from reversion or remainder to make a fund to be equally divided between my three nephews, Peter Jones Branch, Alexander Reaves Branch and Everard Marrion Branch.
10thly I wish it distinctly understood that the money arising from the sale of the negroes now in my possession and directed in in a foregoing clause of this will to be deposited in the bank of Virginia at Richmond, is to be distributed in the following manner, provided when Alexander Reaves Branch, arrives to the age of twenty one years, he is sober, steady and free from dissipation, he shall have one half of it, but provided he is then under the above described habits, he shall not be entitled to one cent of it, but one half of his moiety shall be paid Peter Jones Branch, and other half reserved for Everard Marrion Branch, who with that shall receive the other moiety remaining in the bank of Virginia for that purpose, should one or more of these my nephews die, before they attain a lawful age, the survivor or survivors shall heir the proportion, allotted for the deceased, in case Alexander Reaves Branch, answer the description of propriety named by this my last will and testament, but if not, it is my design be shall be excluded as above from all benefit under it, and the foregoing clause apply only to Peter Jones Branch and Everard Marrion Branch.
11thly I hereby recognize in this my last will and testament, the act I have performed towards my former slave Pellum and sanction it with all due solemnity, and by this my last will and testament, publicly acknowledge for divers good causes moving me thereof that it is my desire, he should enjoy his freedom, under the bill of emancipation executed expressly for that purpose.
12thly I constitute and appoint to be my Executors and take upon and execute this my last will and testament in all its burdens Wm Edwards, Henry Bridgewater, James Martin, William A. Martin, and David G. Jones, and desire that they should return a just amount of sales but no inventory nor appraisement, signed, sealed and delivered this second day of March in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand eight hundred and fourteen.
In presence of Elizabeth Scott (seal)
Reuben Cross
Henry Bridgewater
Matthew Winfree
Matthew H. Branch
In Chesterfield County Court 1814 May the 9th This last will and testament of Elizabeth Scott deceased was proven by the oaths of Reuben Cross and Henry Bridgewater, subscribing witnesses, and ordered to be recorded. On the motion of James Martin an executor therein named who took the oath prescribed by law, and entered into bond with security conditioned as the law directs, a certificate is granted him for having obtained probate thereof in due form.
Parker Poindexter C
Imprimis. It is my will and desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be punctually paid, and particularly request the burial of the dead alone to be read over me, and no other ceremony performed.
2ndly I desire my executors after I die to deliver to my brother James Scott his bond for forty five pound now in my possession which I give him.
3rdly It is my will and desire that my brother James Scott other bond, dated the sixth day of November eighteen hundred & ten now in my possession for the amount of seventy five pound be held against him, subject to the interest accruing thereon for the benefit of William A Martin’s son, until he arrives at the age of twenty one years, when I wish him to have the privilege of collecting it, with its interest for his benefit, but provided brother James Scott does not continue to live in this part of the world but moves or dies, in either of these cases, I wish my executors to collect the bond immediately and hold the money, which is derived from the bond and its interest, until William A. Martin’s son becomes of age, and then give it to him, which I give to him, and his lawful issue.
4thly I give to my niece Lucy Pointer my negro girls Winney and Mary together with my bed the furniture and seal skin trunk, all which I give unto her and her lawful issue.
5thly I give to William A. Martin my nephew the hire my negro boy with this provision, that he shall give him a good warm suit of clothes. I also desire my executors after paying my just debts funeral charges and other charges named in this will, that they give the balance of the money left to William A. Martin. I wish it clearly understood the balance of the money arising from the collection of debts now due me and money on hand at my dec’d which I give to him and his lawful issue.
6thly It is my desire my executors shall give all my negroes a good warm suit of clothes before they are sold.
7thly I give my nephew Peter Jones Branch my negro boy Ben; with this special provision that he shall be bound by my Executors to some trade, to be chosen by Peter Jones Branch, until he comes to the lawful age of twenty one years, when I wish him to take possession of him, and give the boy to him and his lawful issue.
8thly I desire my executors to sell the balance of my negroes not before disposed of, on a credit of twelve months, with this express condition, that the negroes shall choose their masters in the price asked for them shall only be a reasonable one.
9thly I desire my executors to collect the money for which my negroes sell, and place it in the bank of Virginia at Richmond for the purpose hereafter to be expressed. And shall any other property, or money, fall to me in reversion or remainder, I wish that property sold, and the money arising from the sale with any money coming from reversion or remainder to make a fund to be equally divided between my three nephews, Peter Jones Branch, Alexander Reaves Branch and Everard Marrion Branch.
10thly I wish it distinctly understood that the money arising from the sale of the negroes now in my possession and directed in in a foregoing clause of this will to be deposited in the bank of Virginia at Richmond, is to be distributed in the following manner, provided when Alexander Reaves Branch, arrives to the age of twenty one years, he is sober, steady and free from dissipation, he shall have one half of it, but provided he is then under the above described habits, he shall not be entitled to one cent of it, but one half of his moiety shall be paid Peter Jones Branch, and other half reserved for Everard Marrion Branch, who with that shall receive the other moiety remaining in the bank of Virginia for that purpose, should one or more of these my nephews die, before they attain a lawful age, the survivor or survivors shall heir the proportion, allotted for the deceased, in case Alexander Reaves Branch, answer the description of propriety named by this my last will and testament, but if not, it is my design be shall be excluded as above from all benefit under it, and the foregoing clause apply only to Peter Jones Branch and Everard Marrion Branch.
11thly I hereby recognize in this my last will and testament, the act I have performed towards my former slave Pellum and sanction it with all due solemnity, and by this my last will and testament, publicly acknowledge for divers good causes moving me thereof that it is my desire, he should enjoy his freedom, under the bill of emancipation executed expressly for that purpose.
12thly I constitute and appoint to be my Executors and take upon and execute this my last will and testament in all its burdens Wm Edwards, Henry Bridgewater, James Martin, William A. Martin, and David G. Jones, and desire that they should return a just amount of sales but no inventory nor appraisement, signed, sealed and delivered this second day of March in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand eight hundred and fourteen.
In presence of Elizabeth Scott (seal)
Reuben Cross
Henry Bridgewater
Matthew Winfree
Matthew H. Branch
In Chesterfield County Court 1814 May the 9th This last will and testament of Elizabeth Scott deceased was proven by the oaths of Reuben Cross and Henry Bridgewater, subscribing witnesses, and ordered to be recorded. On the motion of James Martin an executor therein named who took the oath prescribed by law, and entered into bond with security conditioned as the law directs, a certificate is granted him for having obtained probate thereof in due form.
Parker Poindexter C
Record Location
WB 8:184
Document Type
Last Will & Testament
“1814 - Scott to Pellum - Chesterfield Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/2088.