1820 - Niel to Damon - Tazewell Co, VA
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Text of Freedom Document
Be it known to all to whom these presents may concern that according to an act of the General Assembly of Virginia passed at May session in the year of our Lord 1782 entitled an act to authorize the manumission of slaves, I William Niel of Tazewell County Virginia from the said authority being fully persuaded that freedom is the natural right of all man kind, that God of one blood created all nations (Africa not excepted) conscious therefore that it is my duty to do unto all men as I would they would do unto me & having under my care a negro man who now resides in the County of Adair Kentucky whom I have hitherto hold as a slave to wit, Damon who was born about the year 1789, I do hereby emancipate & set free the above mentioned slave & do for myself, my heirs, Executors & administrators of relinquish all and every right, title, interest & claim or pretentions of claim whatever either to his person or estate which he may hereafter acquire & it is my wish that he & his posterity may enjoy that full freedom without interruption from me or any person claiming by from or under me. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name & affixed my seal this twenty fourth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred sixteen also acknowledged on the 18th day of July 1820.
In presence of Wm Niel (seal)
Daniel Green
Michael Watters
Thomas Vance
Thomas Moyce
In presence of
John M Niel
Elias Harman
Virginia at a court of quarterly session continued and held for the County of Tazewell on Wednesday the 25th day of July 1820. This bill of emancipation from William Niel of the one part to Damon a man of color of the other part was exhibited in court & proved to be the act and deed of the said William Niel by the oaths of John M. Niel & Elias Harman two of the subscribing witnesses thereto the same is ordered to be recorded and certified.
Jacob F. Fishback D.C.
In presence of Wm Niel (seal)
Daniel Green
Michael Watters
Thomas Vance
Thomas Moyce
In presence of
John M Niel
Elias Harman
Virginia at a court of quarterly session continued and held for the County of Tazewell on Wednesday the 25th day of July 1820. This bill of emancipation from William Niel of the one part to Damon a man of color of the other part was exhibited in court & proved to be the act and deed of the said William Niel by the oaths of John M. Niel & Elias Harman two of the subscribing witnesses thereto the same is ordered to be recorded and certified.
Jacob F. Fishback D.C.
Record Location
DB 3:137
Document Type
“1820 - Niel to Damon - Tazewell Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 12, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1953.