1834 - Clairborne to George - Franklin Co, VA

Dublin Core


1834 - Clairborne to George - Franklin Co, VA


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Text of Freedom Document

Know all men by these presents that I Nathaniel H Claiborne of Franklin County Virginia, for and in consideration of the good Conduct of my negro man Slave George, and in consideration three hundred dollars paid me by said George, being money received forhis hire from sundry persons, I have this day manumitted and made free said George, and for myself and heirs, do forever free said George from obligation to labour for me my heirs and all others except with his own concent As George is about to leave the State of Virginia I add the following description,_ he is about forty five years old_ Black colour, in and about five feet five inches high, of good and honest _____, has a small scar through the left eyebrow and a very remarkable, though small split o’ day of September 1834n the nail on the little finger on the left hand.In Witness of all which I hereto set my hand and seal this 9’ day of September 1834.Nathl H. Clairborne {seal}At the Clerks Office of Franklin County Court the 9’ day of September 1834.This Deed of Manumission from Nathaniel H Claiborne to his negro man slave George, was acknowledged by the said Nathaniel H Claiborne and admitted to record.Teste, Caleb Tate CFC

Record Location

DB 14:127

Document Type



1834_Franklin_Clairborne to George_DB 14_127.jpg


“1834 - Clairborne to George - Franklin Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 11, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1911.