1842 - Ellington to Henry & Nelson - Prince Edward Co, VA
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In the name of God Amen. I David Ellington of Prince Edward County, and State of Virginia, considering the uncertainty of natural life, and being of sound mind and memory, blessed [illegible] the same do make, publish and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following viz.
Item 1st I set my negro boy Nelson free at my death. I lend unto the said negro Nelson until the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty three, the tract of land whereon I now reside, containing about nine hundred acres more or less, also the following slaves to wit, yellow Peter, Bill, Archer, Ambrose, Branch, James, old Peter, and Rose (eight in number), also all my stock of all kinds, my crop of all kinds, plantation tools & household & kitchen furniture, and my interest in the Grist Mill & Cotton Machine including the Mill on Redford and fifty acres of land attached to the said mill, known as Perkinsons Mill.
I desire that my boy Henry shall remain with and he supported in a comfortable manner by Nelson until the first day of January 1853, and not compelled to do service or labor, contrary to his options.
Item 2. I set my negro boy Henry free on the first day of January 1853 and at that time lend unto him during his natural life the one half of my property above mentioned with the one half of its increase and accumulation that may then be in the possession of Nelson, and at the same time, I lend unto said Nelson for the further period of his natural life the remaining half of my aforementioned property with the 2nd half of its increase and accumulation. The division to be made by Nelson & Henry themselves. In the event of the death of Henry or Nelson, it is my desire that the survivor shall have the benefits of the land hereby intended for both.
Item 3rd. What money and debts I may leave at my death I desire shall be appropriated by my Executors herein after named, for the payment of all my just debts, and the surplus to be paid over to Nelson and a tract [illegible] containing 45 acres more or less, known as Birches Shop, I desire shall be annually rented and the proceeds paid to Nelson.
Item 4th I give and bequeath unto Nathan A. Fowlkes and his heirs forever as compensation for his services as Executor of this my last will, one negro woman named Harriet and her two children Jacob and Anderson, and one negro woman named Nancy and her two children Lucy and Margaret.
Item 5th. I give and bequeath unto my sisters, Betsey Borum, Prudence Parker, Nancy Miller, Sally knight, Rebecca Miller, and my brothers Jesse & Hezekiah Ellington’s children the balance of my slaves to be equally divided amongst them to wit, [?Susan ?] and after the death of Nelson and Henry aforesaid, I desire that the property of all sorts which I have hereby loaned to them shall be divided amongst my sisters and my two aforesaid brother’s children in the same way as above mentioned, which I give to them and their heirs forever.
6th and lastly, I hereby nominate and appoint Nathan A. Fowlkes Executor to this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 19th day of October 1842.
David Ellington (seal)
Richd Miller
John Clark
At a court held for Prince Edward County November the 22nd 1842. This last will and testament of David Ellington dec’d was presented in court and proved by the oaths of R.F. Miller and John Clark, two witnesses thereto ordered that the same be recorded on the motion of Nathan A. Fowlkes Executor herein named he with Nathan Fowlkes and Simon H. Houlton his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond for the purpose in the penalty of fifteen thousand dollars conditioned according to law, and took the oath required by law, certificate for obtaining a probate thereof in due form is granted him.
Teste, B.J. Worsham C.C.
Item 1st I set my negro boy Nelson free at my death. I lend unto the said negro Nelson until the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty three, the tract of land whereon I now reside, containing about nine hundred acres more or less, also the following slaves to wit, yellow Peter, Bill, Archer, Ambrose, Branch, James, old Peter, and Rose (eight in number), also all my stock of all kinds, my crop of all kinds, plantation tools & household & kitchen furniture, and my interest in the Grist Mill & Cotton Machine including the Mill on Redford and fifty acres of land attached to the said mill, known as Perkinsons Mill.
I desire that my boy Henry shall remain with and he supported in a comfortable manner by Nelson until the first day of January 1853, and not compelled to do service or labor, contrary to his options.
Item 2. I set my negro boy Henry free on the first day of January 1853 and at that time lend unto him during his natural life the one half of my property above mentioned with the one half of its increase and accumulation that may then be in the possession of Nelson, and at the same time, I lend unto said Nelson for the further period of his natural life the remaining half of my aforementioned property with the 2nd half of its increase and accumulation. The division to be made by Nelson & Henry themselves. In the event of the death of Henry or Nelson, it is my desire that the survivor shall have the benefits of the land hereby intended for both.
Item 3rd. What money and debts I may leave at my death I desire shall be appropriated by my Executors herein after named, for the payment of all my just debts, and the surplus to be paid over to Nelson and a tract [illegible] containing 45 acres more or less, known as Birches Shop, I desire shall be annually rented and the proceeds paid to Nelson.
Item 4th I give and bequeath unto Nathan A. Fowlkes and his heirs forever as compensation for his services as Executor of this my last will, one negro woman named Harriet and her two children Jacob and Anderson, and one negro woman named Nancy and her two children Lucy and Margaret.
Item 5th. I give and bequeath unto my sisters, Betsey Borum, Prudence Parker, Nancy Miller, Sally knight, Rebecca Miller, and my brothers Jesse & Hezekiah Ellington’s children the balance of my slaves to be equally divided amongst them to wit, [?Susan ?] and after the death of Nelson and Henry aforesaid, I desire that the property of all sorts which I have hereby loaned to them shall be divided amongst my sisters and my two aforesaid brother’s children in the same way as above mentioned, which I give to them and their heirs forever.
6th and lastly, I hereby nominate and appoint Nathan A. Fowlkes Executor to this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 19th day of October 1842.
David Ellington (seal)
Richd Miller
John Clark
At a court held for Prince Edward County November the 22nd 1842. This last will and testament of David Ellington dec’d was presented in court and proved by the oaths of R.F. Miller and John Clark, two witnesses thereto ordered that the same be recorded on the motion of Nathan A. Fowlkes Executor herein named he with Nathan Fowlkes and Simon H. Houlton his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond for the purpose in the penalty of fifteen thousand dollars conditioned according to law, and took the oath required by law, certificate for obtaining a probate thereof in due form is granted him.
Teste, B.J. Worsham C.C.
Record Location
WB 8:410
Document Type
Last Will & Testament
“1842 - Ellington to Henry & Nelson - Prince Edward Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 12, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1868.