1801 - Nash to Tony & Aggy - Prince Edward Co, VA
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Text of Freedom Document
In the name of God Amen. I John Nash sent of the County of Prince Edward being at this time of sound mind and memory but knowing the uncertainty of human life and the incumbent duty of settling my worldly affairs, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following.
First I do hereby revoke and disannul all other wills of whatsoever [illegible] or date by me heretofore made and declare this to be my last will and testament.
And whereas I have given my son John all the lands that I intended him which I have made him deeds for.
And have likewise given my son Abner a tract of land containing nine hundred and fifty seven acres and made him deeds for, I now give him a tract of land beginning at a small gut, a little above Bush River Bridge, at a Corner Burch at the mouth of the gut thence a straight line to be run to Col. Charles Allen’s Venable & Venable and Nashes Corner on the road leading to the courthouse, and all the lands that I possess on the South Side of that new line to be run lying on Bush Brier River and Col. Allen’s lands containing by estimation three hundred acres I give to my son Abner to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath unto my three daughters, Elizabeth Fisher Smith, Ann Johnston, and Susanna Fisher my moiety in mill lot of land I hole in joint fee with Venable and Venable on Appomattox River which said Moity of Mill and Lands I give to my three daughters in equal joint fee to them and their heirs forever.
I give and bequeath the use of one half of my Templeton Tract of land cleared and uncleared with Templeton House and all the necessary out houses, with all the furniture of every kind and utensils, with one half of all my stock of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs and one half of the crop of corn growing at the time of my death unto my two daughters, Elizabeth Fisher Smith and my daughter Susannah Fisher, during their lives or until they both shall marry and after their death or marriage I give and bequeath the said tract of land houses & to my son Charles Fisher to him and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath the other half of the Templeton Tract of land to my son Charles Fisher to him and his heirs forever and desire that if it is thought necessary that my Executors have the dividing line run so as to make it as convenient and advantageous to both tracts as circumstances will allow and my desire is that my Executors immediately have the house in Templeton yard called the nursery taken down and placed many part of the land given to my son Charles that he may choose and finished of in a decent manner with what temporary out houses that may be thought necessary at the expense of my estate, and when done furnished with the house the house furnished with such furniture out of Templeton houses as may be best spared and until those buildings is finished which I desire may be before the division of the estate, that my son Charles live with his sisters if it is his choice. I give to my son Charles Fisher the following negroes Billy, Ceasar, Jerry, David, Nanny, Caty, Hannah, Betsy, Polledon, Susan, Doll and Moriah them and their increase I give to my son Charles Fisher to him and his heirs forever.
I give to my daughter Susannah Fisher the following negroes Tony, Jack, Aggy’s son, Molley, Lucy, Nancy, Harriett, Aggy, Joseph, Oliver and Joe, Milly’s son, them and their increase, I give to my daughter Susannah Fisher to her and her heirs forever. I likewise give her three beds and furniture, my mare Manlove with such things of the house as it called hers. I likewise desire that my Executors furnish my daughter Johnston with twelve black cattle out of the Templeton stock and that before the division of the stock between my daughters and son Charles I give to my daughter Elizabeth Fisher Smith the following negroes, George, Milly, Jack Milly’s son, Littleton, and Sam, them and their increase I give to her and her heirs forever. I give her three beds and furniture out of Templeton house. I likewise give her my carriage that I have making with my two carriage horses.
My desire is that my Executors dispose of all my crops of wheat and tobacco that may be on hand or growing or preparing at the time of my death and after all my just debts are paid, all the money due to my estate may be equally divided between my three sons John Abner and Charles but before division of money that my Executors pay to my son Abner fifty pounds to purchase furniture for his house as I have not given what I intended, and Agnes Stith for her services since I gave her her freedom twenty pounds.
Then my desire is that all the negroes that I have at the time of my death not heretofore given to my children, may be equally divided among all my children except old Nanny who I desire may live with any of my children that she may choose.
And whereas my servants Tony and Aggy from their good conduct towards me have merited my particular attention and whereas I some years ago signed indentures for their emancipation but whereas they have never been recorded, they are not be in the division of slaves, but if necessary my desire it that my Executors do immediately comply with the requisition of the law in that case and obtain their full emancipation and I do recommend it to my children to be kind to them, as a testimony of their regard for my memory let it be noted that Aggy has a bed and furniture in my house.
Then I give and bequeath to my son Charles Fisher all the rest of my estate not heretofore disposed of, of whatsoever kind or description to him and his heirs.
And lastly I nominate and appoint my three sons, John Abner and Charles and my son in law Andrew Johnston Executors of this my last will and testament and desire that my estate may not be appraised, in witness of all which I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty fourth day of May one thousand eight hundred.
Signed, sealed & published John Nash Sen’r (seal)
in presence of us….
William Waddell
Mary Read
Feby 15th 1801
Charles Allen
John Turner Ligon
At a court held for Prince Edward County April the 20th 1801
This last will and testament of John Nash Dec’d was presented in court and proved by the oaths of William Waddell and John T Ligon two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded on the motion of Charles Nash and Andrew Johnston two of the Executors therein named who with Samuel Carter, Thomas Haskins, Thomas Watton and Henry Ligon their securities entered into and acknowledged this bond for that purpose in the penalty of five thousand pounds and conditioned according to law certificate for obtaining a probate thereof in due form is granted them and leave given the other Executors therein named to take execution thereof at another day.
Teste, F Watkins CC
First I do hereby revoke and disannul all other wills of whatsoever [illegible] or date by me heretofore made and declare this to be my last will and testament.
And whereas I have given my son John all the lands that I intended him which I have made him deeds for.
And have likewise given my son Abner a tract of land containing nine hundred and fifty seven acres and made him deeds for, I now give him a tract of land beginning at a small gut, a little above Bush River Bridge, at a Corner Burch at the mouth of the gut thence a straight line to be run to Col. Charles Allen’s Venable & Venable and Nashes Corner on the road leading to the courthouse, and all the lands that I possess on the South Side of that new line to be run lying on Bush Brier River and Col. Allen’s lands containing by estimation three hundred acres I give to my son Abner to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath unto my three daughters, Elizabeth Fisher Smith, Ann Johnston, and Susanna Fisher my moiety in mill lot of land I hole in joint fee with Venable and Venable on Appomattox River which said Moity of Mill and Lands I give to my three daughters in equal joint fee to them and their heirs forever.
I give and bequeath the use of one half of my Templeton Tract of land cleared and uncleared with Templeton House and all the necessary out houses, with all the furniture of every kind and utensils, with one half of all my stock of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs and one half of the crop of corn growing at the time of my death unto my two daughters, Elizabeth Fisher Smith and my daughter Susannah Fisher, during their lives or until they both shall marry and after their death or marriage I give and bequeath the said tract of land houses & to my son Charles Fisher to him and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath the other half of the Templeton Tract of land to my son Charles Fisher to him and his heirs forever and desire that if it is thought necessary that my Executors have the dividing line run so as to make it as convenient and advantageous to both tracts as circumstances will allow and my desire is that my Executors immediately have the house in Templeton yard called the nursery taken down and placed many part of the land given to my son Charles that he may choose and finished of in a decent manner with what temporary out houses that may be thought necessary at the expense of my estate, and when done furnished with the house the house furnished with such furniture out of Templeton houses as may be best spared and until those buildings is finished which I desire may be before the division of the estate, that my son Charles live with his sisters if it is his choice. I give to my son Charles Fisher the following negroes Billy, Ceasar, Jerry, David, Nanny, Caty, Hannah, Betsy, Polledon, Susan, Doll and Moriah them and their increase I give to my son Charles Fisher to him and his heirs forever.
I give to my daughter Susannah Fisher the following negroes Tony, Jack, Aggy’s son, Molley, Lucy, Nancy, Harriett, Aggy, Joseph, Oliver and Joe, Milly’s son, them and their increase, I give to my daughter Susannah Fisher to her and her heirs forever. I likewise give her three beds and furniture, my mare Manlove with such things of the house as it called hers. I likewise desire that my Executors furnish my daughter Johnston with twelve black cattle out of the Templeton stock and that before the division of the stock between my daughters and son Charles I give to my daughter Elizabeth Fisher Smith the following negroes, George, Milly, Jack Milly’s son, Littleton, and Sam, them and their increase I give to her and her heirs forever. I give her three beds and furniture out of Templeton house. I likewise give her my carriage that I have making with my two carriage horses.
My desire is that my Executors dispose of all my crops of wheat and tobacco that may be on hand or growing or preparing at the time of my death and after all my just debts are paid, all the money due to my estate may be equally divided between my three sons John Abner and Charles but before division of money that my Executors pay to my son Abner fifty pounds to purchase furniture for his house as I have not given what I intended, and Agnes Stith for her services since I gave her her freedom twenty pounds.
Then my desire is that all the negroes that I have at the time of my death not heretofore given to my children, may be equally divided among all my children except old Nanny who I desire may live with any of my children that she may choose.
And whereas my servants Tony and Aggy from their good conduct towards me have merited my particular attention and whereas I some years ago signed indentures for their emancipation but whereas they have never been recorded, they are not be in the division of slaves, but if necessary my desire it that my Executors do immediately comply with the requisition of the law in that case and obtain their full emancipation and I do recommend it to my children to be kind to them, as a testimony of their regard for my memory let it be noted that Aggy has a bed and furniture in my house.
Then I give and bequeath to my son Charles Fisher all the rest of my estate not heretofore disposed of, of whatsoever kind or description to him and his heirs.
And lastly I nominate and appoint my three sons, John Abner and Charles and my son in law Andrew Johnston Executors of this my last will and testament and desire that my estate may not be appraised, in witness of all which I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty fourth day of May one thousand eight hundred.
Signed, sealed & published John Nash Sen’r (seal)
in presence of us….
William Waddell
Mary Read
Feby 15th 1801
Charles Allen
John Turner Ligon
At a court held for Prince Edward County April the 20th 1801
This last will and testament of John Nash Dec’d was presented in court and proved by the oaths of William Waddell and John T Ligon two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded on the motion of Charles Nash and Andrew Johnston two of the Executors therein named who with Samuel Carter, Thomas Haskins, Thomas Watton and Henry Ligon their securities entered into and acknowledged this bond for that purpose in the penalty of five thousand pounds and conditioned according to law certificate for obtaining a probate thereof in due form is granted them and leave given the other Executors therein named to take execution thereof at another day.
Teste, F Watkins CC
Record Location
WB 3:225
Document Type
Last Will & Testament
“1801 - Nash to Tony & Aggy - Prince Edward Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 12, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1857.