1862 - Snyder to Chloe Nellons - Staunton, VA

Dublin Core


1862 - Snyder to Chloe Nellons - Staunton, VA


Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata





Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

This deed of emancipation made this the thirtieth day of December in the year of our Lord 1861. Witnesseth that I Lucy Jane Snyder of the Town of Staunton & State of Virginia for & in consideration of the past services & good character of my servant woman slave named Chloe Nellons aged about fifty nine years of black complexion & four feet & a half in height with a slight scar under the right eye, as well as for other good & sufficient considerations me thereto moving have manumitted & set at liberty & by these presents forever do manumit & set free my said slave Chloe Nellons & from this time forth she is to be bound to no more service to me or any person whatever claiming under me, but is in all respects to be entitled to all & singular the rights & privileges of a free woman. And I hereby covenant that I will warrant her freedom against the claim or claims of all & every person or persons whatever claiming under through or by me. Witness my hand & seal this the day & year first above written.
Lucy Jane Snyder (seal)

In the Clerk’s Office of the Court of Hustings for the Town of Staunton, December 30th 1861
This deed of emancipation from Lucy Jane Snyder to Chloe Nellons, was this day presented in the office aforesaid by being duly acknowledged by the said Lucy Jane Snyder, before me, Clerk of said Court, is admitted to record.
Teste, James F. Patterson Clk

In the Court of Hustings for the Town of Staunton March 7th 1862
The acknowledgement of this deed being duly reported to Court was ordered to be entered on the minutes.
Teste, James F. Patterson Clk

Record Location

DB 3:366

Document Type



1862_Staunton_Snyder to Chloe_DB 4_366.jpg


“1862 - Snyder to Chloe Nellons - Staunton, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 11, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1742.