1833 - Carter to Ellen - Nelson Co, VA

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1833 - Carter to Ellen - Nelson Co, VA


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Text of Freedom Document

"In the name of God Amen. I Mary Carter of the County of Nelson being of sound mind and disposing memory do make and ordain this my last will & testament. I will and desire that out of the estate I may leave at my decease, except the slave Ellen, (who is hereinafter mentioned and disposed of) after defraying the expenses of a decent burial all my just debts shall be paid or such parts thereof as my estate shall be sufficient to pay. And as it is the most ardent wish of my heart that my said slave Ellen shall be free at the age of twenty one years, it is my last and most earnest request that in the event of a dispute in my other property to pay my debts that my creditors who may have the legal right to do so will not exercise these rights to prevent her emancipation.
The obligation to restore this unfortunate being to that freedom which is the [blank] and original right of every human being & consider paramount to all other obligations – should this design however be frustrated by the circumstances in which I am placed and the laws and rights of that society in which my lot has been cast must submit, consoled with the reflection that I have done my duty and acquitted myself in the sight of heaven that regards not so much the deeds as the intuitions of man.
It is my will and desire that the said slave Ellen shall be free at the age of 21 years. And her increase should she have any in the mean time, - after my decease, and until she shall attain her twentieth year, she together with her increase, if any shall remain in the service of my sister Mildred who I expect to continue with my mother and sisters until her death of her first and marriage of the latter. During this period I need not request because I full perfectly assured that she will be treated with humanity and brought up in such a way as to qualify her for her new condition. During her twentieth year I desire that Ellen shall be hired to some humane master to revise a fund to defray the expense of her passage to Liberia & further I desire she with the offspring if any shall be sent when she attains the age of 21 years. In order to remove any doubt in future about her age, I now state it. She was born the 9th day of January 1819 and consequently will be 20 years old 9th January 1839 and 21 years old the 9th January 1840. In the event of the death of my sister Mildred or any other change in the arrangement of the family preceding from death, marriage or otherwise before Ellen’s arrival at age my Executors or the survivor of them are charged with the disposition of her during her minority not doubting but that they will consider my wishes as far as circumstances will permit. It is my desire that my Executors shall collect all my debts and sell any property that I may have except the said slave Ellen and after paying my debts should there be any surplus, appropriate it to the comfort and maintenance of my mother and sisters.
I hereby constitute and appoint my brothers John Thompson Jr and Lucas P Thompson Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and annulling all other wills and testaments by me at any time heretofore made or executed. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of March 1829.
Signed & sealed in the presence of Mary Carter (seal)
Lucas P Thompson
Mildred R Thompson
Rebecca EP Thompson
Henry J Rose
Benjamin S Gayle

At a court held for Nelson County at the Courthouse on the 28th day of January 1833
This instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Mary Carter deceased was presented in court and proved by the oaths of Lucas P Thompson and Henry J Rose two subscribing witnesses hereto and by this court ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of Lucas P Thompson, one of the Executors named in said will, who personally appeared in court and made oath, and together with John Thompson Jr and Henry J Rose, his securities having entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of six hundred dollars, conditioned according to law, certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate of said will in due form. And John Thompson Jr the other Executor named in said will, being in court, declined taking upon himself the burden of the Executor thereof.
Teste, Sp. Garland Clk"

Record Location

WB D:216

Document Type

Last Will & Testament


1833_Nelson_Carter to Ellen_WB D_216.jpg


“1833 - Carter to Ellen - Nelson Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 12, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1732.