1822 - Tease to Milly, et al - Nelson Co, VA

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1822 - Tease to Milly, et al - Nelson Co, VA


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Text of Freedom Document

"In the name of God Amen. I Mary Tease now at the house of Christopher Clark esq in the County of Bedford, widow of Wiliam Tease dec’d being old and weak in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory and desirous of settling all my worldly affairs while in good health and not wishing to put it off until those moments of approaching death and dissolution, when my mind ought to be employed in more serious and awful concerns, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and annulling all others by me at any time heretofore made.
In the first place, after my death, as soon as convenience and decency will permit, I wish my body to be buried in a plain decent manner, without any parade, pomp or show.
As to touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to permit me to acquire, I dispose it in the following manner. First, I manumit and forever set free the following negroes slaves Milly an old woman, Sam, her son, Cisicly her daughter, Ester her daughter, daughter also, Mathew the son of Cisicly, Henry son of Ester (a mulatto), Peggy grandchild to old Milly, and as Cicily and Ester may have children the names of whom I do not recollect, they not being in my possession, I also desire that all the children which they now have or may have before my death as well as any that may be born of any of the foregoing slaves, their progeny be also emancipated, and I do hereby emancipate the same.
Cicily and Ester and all their children are now, and have for several years been in the possession of my brother John Reed of Caswell County, State of North Carolina, he claimed them for his own, but he knows they are not, and I hope he will give them up that they may enjoy the blessings of freedom of which he knows so well the value. Item. All the residue of my estate consisting of good and chattels the hire of the boy Sam, in the hands of my brother Thomas, and Cicily and Easter in the hands of my brother John, and the children of Cicily and Easter, I give and bequeath to be equally divided amongst all my brothers, and the children of my deceased brother Alexander Reed of Kentucky, they claiming but one share, and all debts that may accrue to be disposed of in the same manner, and if my land in Kentucky is not lost, I wish to undergo a like distribution.
I hereby appoint Col. James Breckenridge, the Rev Samuel both of the county of Botetourt, and Christopher Clark Esq atts at law, Bedford County, Executors to this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto put my hand and seal this thirteenth day of May 1806.
Signed, sealed and published as the last Mary Tease (seal)
will and testament of Mary Tease in the
Presence of James Clark
George Hairston Jr

At a court held for Nelson County the 26th day of August 1822.
This will was proved by the oath of George Hairston Jr a subscribing witness thereto, who also proved that he saw James Clarke subscribe his name to the same, and that the said James Clarke is not an inhabitant of the Commonwealth and ordered to be recorded.

Teste, SP. Garland Clk

Know all men by these presents that we Christiopher Clark and Nathan Reid are held and firmly bound unto Ro. Rive, Ro I Kincaid, Alex Brown and Sam’ Loving, Gentlemen, Justices of the Court of Nelson, non sitting, in the sum of two thousand dollars, to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made to these Justices and their successors, we bind ourselves and each of us, and each of our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 26th day of August in the year of our Lord 1822 and in the year of the Commonwealth the 47th.
The condition of the above obligation is that if the said Christopher Clark one of the Executors of Mary Tease deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels and credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hand, possession or knowledge of him the said Exor, or to the hands or possession of any other person or persons for him, and the same so made do exhibit to the County court of Nelson at such time as he shall be thereto required by the said court, and the same goods, chattels, and credits do will and truly administer according to law, and make a just & true account of his actings and doings therein, when thereunto required by the said court, and further, do well and truly pay and deliver all the legacies contained and specified in the said will as far as the said goods, chattels and credits will so lend, according to the value thereof, and as the law shall charge him. Then this obligation to be now or else to remain in full force.
Signed in the presence Chris Clark (seal)
Of the court Nathan Reid (seal)
Teste Sp. Garland Clk

At a court held for Nelson County the 26th day of August 1822.
This bond was acknowledged in open court and ordered to be recorded.
Teste, Sp. Garland Clk"


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“1822 - Tease to Milly, et al - Nelson Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 12, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1728.