1801 - Jones to Shadrac, et al - Brunswick Co, VA
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In the name of God Amen. I Benjamin Jones of the County of Brunswick being sick & weak in body but of disposing mind & memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner & form following. Imprimis. I give & bequeath unto my negro servants Shadrac, Ned, Betty, Will, Daniel, Enos, Moses, Charles, Bob, Lewis, Samuel, Ned son of Molley, Joseph, Andrew, Moriah, Prissy, Polly, Judy, Molley, Hannah, Delilah, [?Skib?], Andrew, Sam & Cloe all that pieces & parcel of land lying and being in the County of Brunswick bounded by the lands of Rawleigh Hightower on the north, William W Harper on the west the main road, on the south and the sawpit branch on the east all which I give unto them and their heirs forever to be allotted to each family at the discretion of my Executors. Item my will and desire is that my servants named as above should have the use to themselves and their heirs forever one half of all my stock of every kind (the sheep excepted) to be apportioned to each family at the discretion of my Executors. I further desire that they should have for the first year after my decrease provision sufficient to support them provided one half of the crop now made so may be made the present years will be equal thereto, my farther wish and desire is that they should be allotted as equal when the crop is finished. Item I give unto my servants named as above all the plantation tools which they now use on the plantation together with a pair of old cart wheels to them and their heirs forever. Item my will and desire is that [?Skib?] be supported and maintained by her children during her natural life and that all my servants as before named shall have as much of my plantation as will serve to make them a sufficiency for corn for their support one year after my sister Mary Jones chooses for herself so much as she may want to make a crop on. My desire also is that the negroes shall have the use of the houses they now occupy for the term of one year. Item I do hereby liberate forever hereafter from all persons claiming under me the four following negro slaves [?Skib?], Andrew, Sam, & Cloe. Item. My will and desire is that if one of my man servants should intermarry with a free woman he shall take her if he chooses on the land before willed. My desire on the other hand is that if one of my female servants intermarries with any person other than the servant of myself or my sister Mary Jones, she shall not have the benefit of bringing her husband on the land willed as above. Item. My will and desire is that if (after my Executors allots my servants before named so much of one half of my stocks as willed before as will serve them) there be a surplus of stock my Executors shall sell it and apply the proceeds thereof as shall hereafter be directed. Item my will and desire it that my servants herein named shall not rent lease sell nor will the land before mentioned to any person or persons whatsoever other than willing their house or houses to such of their families as they please. I wish and desire that Molley and her children should occupy the house & place where Andrew now lives. Item My will and desire is that in all differences that may arise among my servants or any other person or persons my Executors opinion shall be [illegible] with regard to the estate before will them. Item. I give and bequeath unto my sister Martha Pettway all that piece of parcel of land that lies on the south side of Lou Jones’ road and on the north side of Hickory all which I give unto her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto John Easter and his heirs forever my one half of [illegible] that we have in conjunction together with all debts due me by him of every sort soever except what he owes for the hire of negroes belonging to the estate of William Walker dec’d. Item I give unto Mary Easter and her heirs forever one feather bed & bolster. Item I give unto Ira Easter and his heirs forever all that surplus of money arising from the sale of the stock after allotting to my servants as much thereof as they may need as in before willed. Item I give unto my sister Mary Jones and her heirs forever all the remaining part of my estate both real & personal not heretofore willed. Item my will and desire is that my crops of tobacco and wheat be sold and the proceeds be applied to the payment of my just debts and if there is any surplus I give it unto Ira Ester and his heirs forever together with my sister Mary Jones and her heirs forever. Lastly I nominate & appoint John Easter, Peter Pelham and Peter Robinson executors of this my last will and testament decreeing that there shall be no appraisement of my estate. As witness my hand & seal this 29th April eighteen hundred & one.
Signed, sealed & published Benj’m Jones (seal)
in presence of
Richard Trotter
Jeremiah Allen
Benjamin Wilson
David Clarke Brunswick
Brunswick County Court June 22nd 1807
This last will and testament of Benjamin Jones dec’d was proved by the oaths of Richard Trotter, Jeremiah Allen, & David Clarke witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of Peter Robinson & John Easter two of the Executors named who made oath thereto according to law, and together with Aaron Brown, James Prichett, and Hubbard Saunders their securities entered into & acknowledged a bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars with condition as the law directs certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form, liberty being reserved the other Executor therein named to join in the said probate when he shall think fit.
Exam’d Teste, Herbert Hill CBC
Signed, sealed & published Benj’m Jones (seal)
in presence of
Richard Trotter
Jeremiah Allen
Benjamin Wilson
David Clarke Brunswick
Brunswick County Court June 22nd 1807
This last will and testament of Benjamin Jones dec’d was proved by the oaths of Richard Trotter, Jeremiah Allen, & David Clarke witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of Peter Robinson & John Easter two of the Executors named who made oath thereto according to law, and together with Aaron Brown, James Prichett, and Hubbard Saunders their securities entered into & acknowledged a bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars with condition as the law directs certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form, liberty being reserved the other Executor therein named to join in the said probate when he shall think fit.
Exam’d Teste, Herbert Hill CBC
Record Location
WB 6:334
Document Type
Last Will & Testament
“1801 - Jones to Shadrac, et al - Brunswick Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1709.