1818 - Woodson to Betty - Powhatan Co, VA
Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata
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Text of Freedom Document
This indenture made this twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen between Charles Woodson of the County of Prince Edward and State of Virginia, of one part, and Betty, a negro woman, late the slave of Frederick Woodson deceased, of the County of Powhatan, and said state, of the other part; witnesseth that the said Frederick Woodson hath by his last will and testament (which is of record in the County Court of Powhatan) directed the said slave Betty to be emancipated, and that his Executors shall give to the said Betty a deed of emancipation; and the said Charles Woodson, being one of the executors to the said last will and testament, and duly qualified according to law, doth by this indenture fully and freely emancipate the said slave Betty, to all intents and purposes; and doth hereby publish to all whom it may concern, that she is from henceforth enfranchised and placed upon a footing with other free people of color as fully and completely as the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia will permit, and the just claims of creditors will allow. In witness whereof I, the said Charles Woodson executor of Frederick Woodson deceased, have hereunto placed my hand and fixed my seal this day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed, and published by Charles Woodson
Charles Woodson, Executor of Frederick Executor of
Woodson in presence of Frederick Woodson (seal)
Charles Taylor
William Pope
Samuel Woodfin
James G Hunter
George Taylor
At a court of quarterly sessions holden for the County of Powhatan on the 15th day of April 1818. This deed of emancipation was presented in court and proven to be the act and deed of Charles Woodson executor of Frederick Woodson deceased by the oaths of Charles Taylor and George Taylor, and by the affirmation of Samuel Woodfin, subscribing witnesses, and thereupon the same was ordered to be recorded.
Teste, Wm S Dance C
Signed, sealed, and published by Charles Woodson
Charles Woodson, Executor of Frederick Executor of
Woodson in presence of Frederick Woodson (seal)
Charles Taylor
William Pope
Samuel Woodfin
James G Hunter
George Taylor
At a court of quarterly sessions holden for the County of Powhatan on the 15th day of April 1818. This deed of emancipation was presented in court and proven to be the act and deed of Charles Woodson executor of Frederick Woodson deceased by the oaths of Charles Taylor and George Taylor, and by the affirmation of Samuel Woodfin, subscribing witnesses, and thereupon the same was ordered to be recorded.
Teste, Wm S Dance C
Record Location
DB 6:515
Document Type
Deed implementing will
“1818 - Woodson to Betty - Powhatan Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 11, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1689.