1801 - Depp to Sinder, et al - Powhatan Co, VA

Dublin Core


1801 - Depp to Sinder, et al - Powhatan Co, VA


Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata





Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

It is my desire that at the death of my present wife and at my one death that all the negroes hereafter mentioned shall be free [?luse?] Sinder was born March the eight day one thousand seven and eighty eight Abraham was born January the six day one thousand seven and ninety one Sauls was born March the fourth day one thousand seven hundred and ninety three, Steven was May the thirty day one thousand seven hundred and ninety five Easter was born December the first day one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven Delila was born March the eight day eighteen hundred all the negroes that ever shall arise from this family shall all be free of negroes March the first day eighteen hundred and one.
Joh Depp (seal)
Elisha Massey
Peter Pollock

At a court held for Powhatan County the eighteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and one. This deed of emancipation from John Depp to certain negro slaves was presented in court, and acknowledged by the said Depp, and thereupon ordered to be recorded.
Teste, Abner Crump CPC

Record Location

DB 3:10

Document Type



1801_Powhatan_Depp to _slaves_DB 3_10.jpg


“1801 - Depp to Sinder, et al - Powhatan Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 12, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1678.