1856 - Sherman to Wylee Bruce - Fauquier Co, VA
Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata
Number of Persons
Text of Freedom Document
This deed made this 27th day of October 1856 between Kimble G Hicks and Thomas M Sherman, executors of Thomas Sherman deceased of the one part and Wylee Bruce, Abner Fletcher, Webster Mitchell, Olivia Powell, John Powell, Kitty Powell, Henry Powell, Melinda Powell, William Powell, Furday Powell and Amanda Powell late slaves of the said Thomas Sherman deceased by his last will and testament did provide for the emancipation from servitude of such of his slaves as should elect to secure their freedom and immigrate to Liberia in Africa, and whereas in a suit in chancery instituted in the Circuit Court of the County of Fauquier in the State of Virginia by the parties of the first part against the devisers and legatees of the said Thomas Sherman deceased for the purpose of obtaining a judicial contracture of his said will and a distribution of his estate according to the provisions of said will and whereas in the said suit a decree was possessed on the 13th day of September 1856 directing the said parties of the first part as executors as aforesaid to prove all of the slaves of the said Thomas Sherman before a commissioner of the said court in order that they might elect whether or not they would except the said premises of emancipation in their behalf contained in the said will and whereas the said parties of the second part did elect before the said commissioner to accept the said provision of emancipation and whereas the said commissioner did report to the said court that the said parties of the second part had so elected and whereas the said court did pass a further decree as the said suit on the 16th day of September 1856 conforming the said report and directing the said parties of the first part to execute proper deed of emancipation to the said parties of the second part. Now this deed witnesseth that the said Kimble G Hicks & Thomas M Sherman executors as aforesaid in consideration of the several premises aforesaid do hereby emancipate and set free from servitude forever the said wright proved Abner Fletcher, Webster Mitchell, Olivia Powell, John Powell, Kitty Powell, Henry Powell, Melinda Powell, William Powell, Furday Powell, and Amanda Powell, late slaves as aforesaid. Witness the following signatures and seals.
RG Hicks Ext T Sherman dec’d (seal)
Ths M Sherman Ext T Sherman dec’d (seal)
Fauquier County Court October 27th 1856
This deed of emancipation was acknowledged in said office by the grantors and ordered to be recorded.
Teste, Wm H Jennings CC
RG Hicks Ext T Sherman dec’d (seal)
Ths M Sherman Ext T Sherman dec’d (seal)
Fauquier County Court October 27th 1856
This deed of emancipation was acknowledged in said office by the grantors and ordered to be recorded.
Teste, Wm H Jennings CC
Record Location
DB 55:420
Document Type
“1856 - Sherman to Wylee Bruce - Fauquier Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1653.