1856 - Palmer to sundry slaves - Fauquier Co, VA

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1856 - Palmer to sundry slaves - Fauquier Co, VA


Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata





Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

Being of sound mind & memory I do now in the name of God consign my soul & body to his keeping. I proceed also to dispose of my worldly goods & estate. I desire most earnestly that my faithful servant Moses Sorrell shall be liberated & have his freedom. I also wish & give him the said Moses the sum of one hundred dollars, also I give him his chest of [illegible] & other tools which he is in the habit of using, I also give him the aforesaid Moses, the silver watch which belonged to his revered Master. I also desire that the said Moses shall have a home with my heirs so long as he desires to stay. I also give him the bed & all its appurtenances which he the said Moses always used.
I give & bequeath to my beloved sister Elisa P. Williams of Alabama, all and every species of my property except my silver plate & my servant Harry, the former I give & bequeath to my beloved niece, Mrs Elisa Page Cleveland of Springfield, Alabama in consideration of my fervent regard for her & the latter my servant man Harry. I give to my particular & highly esteemed friend General Eppa Hinton of Brentsville viz as a token of my regard for him. I constitute my friend General Hinton & my particular friend Doctor Goodwin my executors whom I do not wish to give any security on their executorship.
Mildred Pendleton Palmer
13th Nov 1853
I give my gold watch, chain key & c. to my beloved namesake Mildred Pendleton Williams of Ala my niece.

Fauquier County Court June 23rd 1856
This paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Mildred P Palmer dec’d was this day presented to court for probate & their being no subscribing witnesses to the same, William E. Gaskins and Nathaniel B. Butler were severally sworn and deposed that they were acquainted with the testatrix’s hand writing and that they verily believe the said will and the name thereto attached to be wholly written by the said testatrix, and thereupon the said paper writing is ordered to be recorded as the true last will & testament of the said Mildred P. Palmer, deceased.
Doctor Goodwin, one of the executors named in said will, refused to take upon himself the burden of execution thereof Eppa Hinton the other executor therein named qualified and gave bond without security, the testatrix having requested in her will that he should not be required to do so.
Teste, Wm H Jennings C C

Record Location

WB 26:293

Document Type

Last Will & Testament




“1856 - Palmer to sundry slaves - Fauquier Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1652.