1847 - Kenton to Kitty et al - Fauquier Co, VA

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1847 - Kenton to Kitty et al - Fauquier Co, VA


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Text of Freedom Document

Know all men by these presents that we Philip S. Johnson and Austin B. Weadon executors of the last will and testament of Frances Kenton dec’d in pursuance and by authority of the provisions of said will have emancipated liberated & set free and by these presents do emancipate liberate and set free the following slaves the profits of said Frances Kenton dec’d to wit- Kitty a black woman about sixty years of age, Willis a black man about thirty five years of age son of Kitty, Edmund a black man about twenty five years of age son of Kitty and Hannah a black woman about twenty years of age daughter of Kitty.
In testimony whereof we have hereto set our hands and affixed our seals this 24th day of May 1847.
Signed sealed & delivered Phil S. Johnson (seal)
in presence of us A.B. Weadon (seal)
R.E. Scott
Sam. Chilton

Fauquier County Court May 24th 1847
This deed of emancipation was acknowledged by the exrs in open court & ordered to be recorded.
Teste, Wm. H Jennings C.C.

Record Location

DB 46:202

Document Type



1847_Fauquier_Kenton to Kitty, et al_46_202.jpg


“1847 - Kenton to Kitty et al - Fauquier Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 12, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1634.