1856 - Foster to Sterling Harris - Amelia County, VA
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Text of Freedom Document
Know all men by these presents that I John T Foster of the County of Amelia and State of Virginia from motives of benevolence have manumitted and set free from slavery and do hereby manumit and set free from slavery my negro man Sterling Harris, and I do hereby give, grant and release unto the said Sterling Harris all my right title and claims of it and to his personal labor and services.In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty sixth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six.John T Foster (seal)VirginiaIn Amelia County Court Clerkâs Office 14thday of April 1856This deed of emancipation was this day produced in my office & acknowledged by John T Foster a party theretoand admitted to record.Teste, Ed. H Coleman Clerk
Record Location
DB 39:291
Document Type
“1856 - Foster to Sterling Harris - Amelia County, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1502.