1804 - Ballard to George - Charles City County, VA

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1804 - Ballard to George - Charles City County, VA


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Text of Freedom Document

In the name of God Amen I Thomas Ballard of the County of Charles City and parish of Westover being in a weakly state of bodily health but in perfect mind sound sense and memory thanks be given unto God calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is ordained for all men once to die, I do make and ordain this my last will and testament, my soul I recommend unto the hands of Almighty God who gave it in hopes of a glorious resurrection and as touching such worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me with. I dispose of as follows: to wit Item I desire that my just debts shall be paid from my estate in the first instance. Item. I desire that the family burying place now on my land shall remain sacred and free for the interment of the family and their connections that is to say a sufficiency granted for that purpose and for no further disposal this I do through this respect and duty I owe to my ancestors and family and hope the same may be remembered by those who my even consider it. Item. I give and bequeath unto my brother John Ballard all my land in Charles City County it being where I now live or elsewhere on him the said John Ballard paying unto my brother Francis D Ballard one third of the value of the said land which valuation may be by their mutual consent or by men appointed by them for that purpose on compliance of the part of the said John Ballard the said land I give unto him and his heirs forever. Item having an old negro man slave named George who has been a faithful servant, I desire and hereby give him the said negro slave his freedom after my death in a perfect and just meaning of liberation and for as full and perfect manner as any law could authorize me. Item all the balance of my estate not hereafter given bequeathed or desired I do hereby give request and desire shall be equally divided between my three sisters to wit, Elizabeth Fontaine wife of Moses Fontaine, Sarah Fontaine wife of Abraham Fontaine, and Lucy Eppes wife of Peter Eppes which I give and bequeath unto them and their heirs forever. Lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my brother John Ballard, my friends Wyatt Walker and John Firth my whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament, renouncing & revoking all wills heretofore made by me. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of August AD one thousand eight hundred and four.
Thomas Ballard (seal)
Signed, sealed, acknowledged and declared
in presence of
William Graves
Edward M Williams, Finnea Southall

At a monthly court held for Charles City County at the courthouse on Thursday the twentieth day of September 1804. The aforewritten last will and testament of Thomas Ballard dec’d was presented in court by John Ballard one of the executors therein named and being proved by William Graves, Edw M Williams & Finnea Southall the witnesses thereto was ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said executor who made oath as the law directs and entered into bond with William Graves and Edward M Williams his securities in the penalty of five thousand dollars conditioned according to law certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form liberty [illegible] as the other executors to join in the probate when they think fit.
Teste, Wyatt Walker C.C.

Record Location

WB 1, pg 605

Document Type

Last Will & Testament




“1804 - Ballard to George - Charles City County, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 11, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1444.