1803 - Smith to Fellis, et al
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To all whom it may Concern This is to Certify that I James Smith of the County of Rockingham & State of Virginia do by these presents Immansipate [Emancipate] Sit free (my negro woman Fillis my negro Girl Pat my Negro boy Jack my Negro boy Joe my Negro boy Edmond my Negro Girl Fan as Shall hereafter be Mentioned. My Negroe woman Fillis who was left to me by my father in his last will & testament, the other five Viz. Pat, Jack, Joe, Edmond, & Fan, the Issue of Said Negro woman Fillis. The said woman Fillis now about thirty three or four Years, of age from this Day forward and forever I do [illegible] discharge give release my right & Interest to her and all the Issue She may have after this day Also my Negro Girl Pat aged about Eighteen Years after the fourteenth day of February Eighteen Hundred & Eleven & her Issue at twenty five Viz, the Girl Pat at twenty five & her Issue at the same Also my Negro boy named Jack aged about (Nine Years) after the first day of October Eighteen hundred & Nineteen. Also my Negro boy Joe aged about (Seven Years) after the first day of September Eighteen hundred & Twenty One Also my Negro boy named Edmond aged about (five Years) After the first day of March Eighteen hundred & Twenty Three Also my Negro Girl Fan aged about (Three Years) after the first day of June Eighteen hundred & Twenty Six and her Issue at the age of twenty five So that the woman fillis from this date, & Each of the other five negroes together with the Issue of Pat & Fan I do Immansipate [Emancipate] Set free & forever discharge My right & Interest as above mentioned so that the Each of them at the age of twenty five Years are free from any Claim by me or any person from me In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal this 20th day of Decem'r
Eighteen hundred & three[.]
James Smith (Seal)
Sealed & Signed in presents of
Daniel Smith
John Emmitt Jr
Elijah Dundore
Robert Smith
J. Smith to Negroes Filles &c } bill of Emancipation
Rockingham March Court 1804
This bill of Emancipation from James Smith to his Negroes Fillis, Pat, Jack, Joe, Edmond, & Fan was
Presented in Court and acknowledged by the Said James and Ordered to be Recorded and it is Ordered to be
Certifyed that the Said Negroes Fillis and Pat are Over 18 and under 45 years of age and that that they are of
Sound mind and body[.]
S McWilliams CR
Eighteen hundred & three[.]
James Smith (Seal)
Sealed & Signed in presents of
Daniel Smith
John Emmitt Jr
Elijah Dundore
Robert Smith
J. Smith to Negroes Filles &c } bill of Emancipation
Rockingham March Court 1804
This bill of Emancipation from James Smith to his Negroes Fillis, Pat, Jack, Joe, Edmond, & Fan was
Presented in Court and acknowledged by the Said James and Ordered to be Recorded and it is Ordered to be
Certifyed that the Said Negroes Fillis and Pat are Over 18 and under 45 years of age and that that they are of
Sound mind and body[.]
S McWilliams CR
Document Type
Secondary Source
Library of Virginia
“1803 - Smith to Fellis, et al,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1319.