1803 - Stephens to Aggey - Rockingham Co, VA

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1803 - Stephens to Aggey - Rockingham Co, VA


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Text of Freedom Document

To all People before whome [whom] these presents may come Greeting Know ye that I Lewis Stephens of the County of Rockingham and State of Virginia having weighed in the Scale of justice, the conditions of of Slavery am Sensibly Convinced that it is unwarrantable as well by the Laws of Religion as morallity and that as god originally distributed Equallly to the human Race the unalienable Right to the injoyment [enjoyment] of Personal Liberty so it behoves Each man to Restore to his fellow creatures that invaluable blessing of which he by unjust and impolitick Laws is possessed In Consideration whereof I have and Do by these Presents Emancipate set free and for Ever Discharge from Slavery my Negro woman Named Aggey and Do for my Selfe my heirs Executors & assigns By these presents ratify Release grant and Confirm unto the Said Negro woman Aggey and her heirs for Ever, all and Singular my Right title Claime and interest of in and to aney [any] property of future demand of Personal Service which I now have in her the aforesaid Aggey In testamoney whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this twenty first Day of June 1803[.]

Lewis Stephens (Seal)

Rockingham June Court 1803

This Emancipation of Negroe Agge was presented in Court and acknowledged by Lewis Stephens and ordered to be recorded. The Court being of opinion that She is over Eighteen and under forty five years of age & of sound mind & body[.]

S McWilliams CRC

Document Type


Secondary Source

Library of Virginia


1803_Rockingham_Stephens to Aggey.pdf


“1803 - Stephens to Aggey - Rockingham Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1317.