1859 - Goodwin to Tom - Louisa Co, VA
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1859 - Goodwin to Tom - Louisa Co, VA
Manumission of Tom by the last will & testament of Harwood Goodwin of Louisa Co, VA
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Text of Freedom Document
l, Harwood Goodwin of Louisa County, Virginia, do make this my last will revoking any former one which I may have made.
1. The state stock I own of which the principal is $3,500 is to be equally divided among my four oldest grand daughters vz. Mary and Betsy Pendleton, daughters of Dr. Joseph N. Pendleton, and Peggy Goodwin and Sally Woolfolk, daughters of my son Dr. John M. Goodwin, Sally being the wife of Dr. Thomas Woolfolk. The interest on said stock is also to be equally divided among the same granddaughters, unless I draw it in my life time, but it i draw it and invest it as I design doing in other stocks, then this other stock also is to be equally divided among them. But the pan art of this legacy. by me and not so reinvested is no to be a part of this legacy.
2. All the rest of my estate, that is, my land, Negroes and stock upon my plantation having already been given in to the possession of my son, Dr. John M. Goodwin, and my daughter, Mrs. Elzabeth H. Pendleton, I hereby confirm the same to them equally.
3. I appoint Lucian Minor executor of this my will considering him as having nothing to do with any part of the above mentioned property or estate except the state stock and interest upon it given to my four grand daughters. I mean for them to have the interest upon the stock which I may hereafter buy with the interest of the present stock. 14 April 1854. [Sig.] Harwood Goodwin. witnesses Clara M. Price, Geo. E. Dabney.
Codicil: I hereby set free my young Negro man, Tom, in requital of his faithful service and kindness to me and I direct my executor to use so much as may be necessary out of the interest on my bank stock, or any other moneys I may have or that may be due me, to send Tom to Liberia in Africa; to fit him out for going thither with sufficient and suitable clothing and other necessaries and to support him for half a year after his arrival there. The above is meant to include the expense of his voyage and sending him to the place of embarkation. I earnestly hope that Tom will go to Liberia and not to one of the northern or north eastern states; but if he insists on going to one of the latter, then I desire my executors to use so much as may be necessary of the above mentioned means to send hi thither with the necessary out fit of clothing &c. 11 August 1854. Recorded 8 August 1859.
1. The state stock I own of which the principal is $3,500 is to be equally divided among my four oldest grand daughters vz. Mary and Betsy Pendleton, daughters of Dr. Joseph N. Pendleton, and Peggy Goodwin and Sally Woolfolk, daughters of my son Dr. John M. Goodwin, Sally being the wife of Dr. Thomas Woolfolk. The interest on said stock is also to be equally divided among the same granddaughters, unless I draw it in my life time, but it i draw it and invest it as I design doing in other stocks, then this other stock also is to be equally divided among them. But the pan art of this legacy. by me and not so reinvested is no to be a part of this legacy.
2. All the rest of my estate, that is, my land, Negroes and stock upon my plantation having already been given in to the possession of my son, Dr. John M. Goodwin, and my daughter, Mrs. Elzabeth H. Pendleton, I hereby confirm the same to them equally.
3. I appoint Lucian Minor executor of this my will considering him as having nothing to do with any part of the above mentioned property or estate except the state stock and interest upon it given to my four grand daughters. I mean for them to have the interest upon the stock which I may hereafter buy with the interest of the present stock. 14 April 1854. [Sig.] Harwood Goodwin. witnesses Clara M. Price, Geo. E. Dabney.
Codicil: I hereby set free my young Negro man, Tom, in requital of his faithful service and kindness to me and I direct my executor to use so much as may be necessary out of the interest on my bank stock, or any other moneys I may have or that may be due me, to send Tom to Liberia in Africa; to fit him out for going thither with sufficient and suitable clothing and other necessaries and to support him for half a year after his arrival there. The above is meant to include the expense of his voyage and sending him to the place of embarkation. I earnestly hope that Tom will go to Liberia and not to one of the northern or north eastern states; but if he insists on going to one of the latter, then I desire my executors to use so much as may be necessary of the above mentioned means to send hi thither with the necessary out fit of clothing &c. 11 August 1854. Recorded 8 August 1859.
Record Location
Will Book 15:59
Document Type
“1859 - Goodwin to Tom - Louisa Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1295.