1806 - Quarles to Lucy & Maria - Louisa Co, VA

Dublin Core


1806 - Quarles to Lucy & Maria - Louisa Co, VA


Deed of manumission to Lucy and Maria from Raplh Quarles of Louisa Co, VA


Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata





Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

Be it known to whom it may concern that I, Ralph Quarles, of Louisa County do hereby liberate manumit and set free my Negro Slaves, Lucy, a woman, and Maria, a girl daughter of said Lucy, and I do hereby renounce forever all right jurisdiction authority and power which I have or may lawfully exercise over the said slaves and I do hereby declare the said slaves to be henceforward free persons at liberty to go when and where they please to exercise and enjoy the rights of free persons and so far as I can authorize or the laws of Virginia will permit and I hereby bind myself and my heirs executors to warrant and forever defend to the said Lucy and Maria their right to freedom, clear of the claims of all persons whatsoever. 1 April 1806. [Sig.] Ralph Quarles. Recorded 14 April 1806.

Record Location

Deed Book K:226

Document Type



1806_Louisa_Quarles to Lucy_K_226.jpg


“1806 - Quarles to Lucy & Maria - Louisa Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 12, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1278.