1845 - Henry to Sally - Rockbridge Co, VA

Dublin Core


1845 - Henry to Sally - Rockbridge Co, VA


Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata





Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

Know all men by these presents that I John V. Henry of the town of Lexington county of Rockbridge and State of Virginia, for and in consideration of the love and affection which I have and bear to my wife Sally (who was purchased by me from Miss Hetty Montgomery, and to my children Livinia, Mary and John children of the said Sally, do hereby liberate and emancipate the said Sally, Livinia, Mary and John, from this day, from all obligation of service to one or any representatives, investing them as far any act of mine can invest them with all the rights and privileges of free persons. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 10th day of February in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty five.
Signed, sealed & in the presence of John V. Henry (seal)

Clerks Office Rockbridge County Court, February 12th 1845
This deed from John V. Henry to Sally his wife, Lavinia, Mary & John children of the said Sally, was this day produced to me, acknowledged by said John V. Henry and admitted to record.

Teste, Saml MD Reid CRC

Record Location

Deed Book Y:280

Document Type



Sally is the mother of these three children, who are also the children of manumitter


1845_Rockbridge_Henry to Sally_DB_Y_280.jpg


“1845 - Henry to Sally - Rockbridge Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1230.