1859 - Wade to Lucy Mellville, et al - Montgomery Co, VA

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1859 - Wade to Lucy Mellville, et al - Montgomery Co, VA


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Text of Freedom Document

Know all men by these presents that I Mary Wade of Montgomery Cty from motives of benevolence have emancipated and set free from slavery and do hereby manumit and set free from slavery my negro woman Lucy Melville aged 34 years and do hereby give grant and release unto the said Lucy all my right title and claim to her person labour and service and to all the estate and property which she may hereafter acquire with her 7 children to wit- Mary, aged 15, Joseph aged 13, Robert aged 11, Rosabell aged 9, Richard aged 7, Henry aged 4, Ellen aged 2. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3 day of October 1859.
Mary Wade (seal)

Signed in presence
Juliet C Morrison
Mary E Morrison

Montgomery County to wit
I Wm R Perfater a justice of the peace for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do certify that Mary Wade whose name is signed to the writing hereto annexed bearing date 3rd day of October 1859 has acknowledged the same before me in my County aforesaid. Given under my hand this 3 day of Oct 1859.

Wm. R Perfater, JP

At Montgomery County Court October term 1859
This deed of emancipation from Mary Wade to Lucy Melville, Mary Melville, Joseph Melville, Robert Melville, Rosabell Melville, Richard Melville, Henry Melville & Ellen Melville was presented in Court and with the certificate thereon endorsed ordered to be recorded.

Teste, John C. Wade DC

Record Location

WB 9, pg 276


1859_Montgomery_Wade to Lucy et al_WB 9_276.jpg
1859_Montgomery_Wade to Lucy et al_WB 9_277.jpg


“1859 - Wade to Lucy Mellville, et al - Montgomery Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 15, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1199.