1849 - Kinser to King James - Montgomery Co, VA
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Text of Freedom Document
In the name of God amen. I Philip Kinser of the county of Montgomery & state of Virginia being weak of body but sound of mind & of disposing memory, do make and constitute this my last will & testament hereby revoking all others. Item 1. I give & bequeath to my dear & beloved wife Ann Kinser the SouthEast end of my plantation that I now reside on during her natural life, and after her death to my youngest daughter, Elizabeth Frances Kinser; Beginning on a line of my land and the land of James Charlton hers at the East end of coal pit field, thence moving with a crop fence a north west direction with course of said fence, within forty holes of the spring branch, running out of the field, below the old orchard, thence running due south west course to a hickory by the fence between the five acre field, and the gate leading in the wood land, thence a direct line into the hollow this side of the orchard field, fence, opposite the nearest corner of the field near the house, thence down said hollow to 2 white oaks standing near three rods of the fence thence a north west course about three holes below the spring, black oak and black oak saplings on the bank of the branch, thence to an apple tree called the Murphy apple tree, near a wire fence, and with the direction of said fence , to the woods, and thence a direct line to a line between Russel Casper and myself by the road leading to the Turnpike above [illegible] coming on the South side of said road, and thence with the original line to the beginning. I also gave and bequeath to my wife, Ann Kinser, one horse saddle and bridle, the choice of any horse, thirty head, the choice of my hogs, four cows, twenty head of sheep, all my farming utensils, one wagon, the choice of all of my [?gear?] until my sons Crockett & Tho. come of lawful age, which are to have 2 half each when they arrive of age. I also give my wife all my household & kitchen furniture, also all of my books, to be disposed of by her as she thinks proper to her children; also one loom, and tackle, also fifty dollars in money. Also 75 bushels of wheat & 300 bushels of corn, 400 doz of oats, provided there shall be that much on the [illegible] at the time of my decease, if not it shall be made up out of the next growing crop. Item 2. I gave and bequeath to my daughter Margaret I Kinser my part of land I purchased of Michael Eckles adjoining Lewis Journell, & others, also a tract of land ceded to me by John Robinson adjoining the same, also one horse saddle and bridle the [illegible] choice of my horses, also one cow and calf, and ten head of sheep to her and her heirs forever. Item 3rd I gave and bequeath to my son Michael Kinser a tract of land lying in the county of Carroll whereon he now lives & which tract I now have deeded to him, and his heirs forever. Item 4th. I gave and bequeath to my daughter Melvina Bishop the balance of my tract of land lying in the county of Carroll adjoining the land of Michael Kinser, and there to her & her heirs forever. Item 5th. I gave and bequeath to my daughter Amanda Kinser a part of the tract of land whereon I now live, beginning at a [illegible] described in a foregoing bequeath to my wife, forty polls from the branch thence down the branch on the north hill side forty polls from the branch unto opposite the lower end of the new ground, and thence a direct line to some white oaks bricharies and pine saplings, and thence with a crop fence between my two meadows running a north west corner, to a line between John Hequen and myself, thence south course with the original line to a corner between Joseph Marman John Heavin and myself thence on a line between said Harm and myself, and heirs of Wm Casper and Russell Casper to a corner to be made described in a foregoing bequeath to my wife and thence a north course with the liens thereof to the beginning, which land my wife is to hold possession of until one year after my decease. I also give to my daughter Amanda one horse, a saddle and bridle, the third choice of my horses, one cow and calf and ten head of sheep to her & her heirs forever. Item 6th. I gave and bequeath to my son John C Kinser the tract of land bought of Robt. Woodbine and Charles Charlton, adjoining the lands of Waddy G. Curmin, Josephus Shelburn, and others by his paying two hundred dollars to my Executors whom I will hereafter name. Fifty dollars annually commencing one year after my decease; also the horse saddle, and bridle that he has in possession, also the hogs he now claims to him and his heirs forever. Item 7th. I give and bequeath unto my son Tho. H Kinser the balance of the tract of land I now reside on, my wife to hold possession of said land until he arrives at the age of twenty one years, also the mare saddle and bridle that he now claims, also the hogs that he now claims, to him and his heirs forever. Item 8th I give and bequeath to my daughter F Kinser one hundred dollars to be left in the hands of my Executors, and put to interest until she arrives at lawful age, or marries, to her and her heirs forever. Item 9th. It is my will that my negro man King shall be set free after my de. provided he leave the state or gets permission of the legislation to remain in the state so that he may not become chargeable to my estate. Item 10. I wish after my de- that all of my property including a piece of land adjoining the lands of John McTaylor and others which has not………
Record Location
WB 8, pg 69
“1849 - Kinser to King James - Montgomery Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1197.