1851 - Randolph Macon College to John Evans - Mecklenburg Co, VA

Dublin Core


1851 - Randolph Macon College to John Evans - Mecklenburg Co, VA


Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata




Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

This Deed made this 20th day of September Eighteen hundred and fifty one by William A Smith President of Randolph Macon College of the first part and John, a slave, the property of the trustees of Randolph Macon College of the second part. Witnesseth: That whereas the board of Trustees of the said College being indebted to the said John for extra services rendered by him and he wishing to purchase his freedom and to remove from this commonwealth the said board of Trustees on the 12th day of June 1850 referred the subject to the Executive Committee of the said College and gave them the authority to dispose of the said John as they might judge advisable and the said committee having investigated the subject and finding the College indebted to the said John an amount equal to the sum he would sell for in the market, ordered that the President of the committee do by proper deed sealed with the seal of the Trustees of Randolph Macon College emancipate the said slave John, now, in execution of the aforesaid resolutions and for the considerations therein specified of William A Smith President of the said Executive Committee and President of Randolph Macon College do by these presents emancipate the said slave John and do hereby in the name and on behalf of the said Trustees of Randolph Macon College absolve and discharge, him the said slave John from all obligations to servitude and labor and declare him a free man.

In Testimony of all and Singular the premises I have hereto caused the seal of the Trustees of Randolph Macon College to be hereto affixed the day and date above written.
(Seal) William A. Smith President of R. M. College and of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees

Mecklenburg County Court Clerk’s Office 27th day of September 1851.
The foregoing Deed of Emancipation from Wm A Smith to John a slave was this day received in the Clerk’s office aforesaid and acknowledged by William A. Smith a party thereto to be his act and deed and admitted to recorded.
Examined and delivered.

R. B. Baptist, Clerk

Record Location

DB 33:492

Document Type



1851_Mecklenburg_RMC to John_DB 33_492.jpg
1851_Mecklenburg_RMC to John_DB 33_493.jpg


“1851 - Randolph Macon College to John Evans - Mecklenburg Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 10, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1146.