1803 - Jeffries to Chloe, et al - Mecklenburg Co, VA

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1803 - Jeffries to Chloe, et al - Mecklenburg Co, VA


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Text of Freedom Document

I Swepson Jeffries of Mecklenburg County, Virginia being weak in body but of sound mind and memory do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following.

(Viz) I lend unto my beloved wife Isabella Jeffries all my land that lays this side the North Fork Little Creek during her life or Widowhood, and in case she should marry she is to have one third part of my land. I lend unto my beloved wife Isabella Jeffries three beds and furniture, one cupboard, one trunk, one chest, two walnut tables, half dozen sitting chairs, two horses, one riding chair, ten head of cattle, twenty head of hogs, and ten head of sheep, with all my earthen and glassware and all my kitchen furniture and at her death the property left her to be sold (if any remaining, and the money arising from such sale to be divided between my three sons, Swepson Jeffries, John Jeffries and Achilles Jeffries, and all the rest of my stock and household furniture not lent to my wife except the beds and furniture to be divided between my two sons John and Achilles Jeffries.

Item: I lend to my wife Isabella Jeffries the following Negroes (that is) Tom and his wife Juno, Lyyda, Sina, Mima, Lott, Lewis, Lilla. I also lend unto my beloved wife Negroes Cloe and Juno during her life and at her death the following Negroes to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever or any estate they may afterwards acquire and these are their names: Waguse?, Cloe and Juno, or if they choose they may live with any of my children they make choice of.

Item: My will is that the following Negroes to be hired out (Viz) Cain, Robin, Carey? and her children and the money arising from such hire to be applied the schooling of my three sons: Howel Lewis Jeffries, Charles Jeffries and Richard Jeffries. My will that at my wives death my land be divided between my two sons John Jeffries and Achilles Jeffries. I lend unto my son John Jeffries one Negro Boy named Seymore twenty one years if the said Negro should lived as long and then to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whosoever or any estate he may afterward acquire. I give unto my son John Jeffries one bed and furniture, also one Black Mare which he ----- away with John Bugg.

Item: I give unto my son Achilles Jeffries one bed and furniture, also one small colt name Flagelator. I also lend unto my son Achilles Jeffries the child that Tiller is now pregnant with twenty five years if it should live and do well and then to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whosoever or any estate (let be male or female) he or she may afterwards acquire.

Item: I give to my three sons Howel L. Jeffries, Charles Jeffries, and Richard Jeffries two Negroes Boys, Lot and Lewis, also to each of them a horse, saddle and bridle -- -- of my last named sons one bed and furniture.

Item: my will is that after my death my Man Billy be hired out for five years and the money arising from such hire to be divided between my three sons Howel L. Jeffries, Charles Jeffries, and Richard Jeffries.

Item: my will is that at my death my Black woman Tiller be hired out for five years and the money arising from such hire to be divided between my three sons Howell Lewis Jeffries, Charles Jeffries and Richard Jeffries and at the expiration of the five years the said Negro woman to be free from the Claim or Claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever on any Estate she may afterwards acquired.

Item: I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Burnett one Bed and furniture which be and furniture my said daughter has received, also I lend unto my said daughter Elizabeth Burnett one Negro woman named Jain, with her increase during my said daughter life and after my said daughter’s death the said Negro woman to be free from the Claim or Claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever on any estate she may afterwards acquire and the said Negro woman increase to serve if any until they arrive to twenty five years to be judged by the court and then to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever or any estate they may afterwards acquire but in case the said Negro should be removed out of the State the said Negro to be returned into my estate and to be free as foresaid.

Item: I give unto my daughter Martha Burnett one Mare, saddle, bridle, also one bed and furniture which property she has had, also my will is that my Negro girl Mille be hired out for ten years and the money arising from such hire to be for the use of my said daughter Martha Burnett.

Item: I give unto my daughter Sarah Bugg, one horse saddle and bridle also one bed and furniture which property she has received. I also lend unto my said daughter Sarah Bugg, one Negro woman named Juno for five years and then to be free from the claim or claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever or any estate she may afterwards acquire. I also lend unto my said daughter Sarah Bugg the said woman’s increase until they arrive to twenty five years and to be judged by the Court and then to be free from the Claim or Claims of any person or persons whatsoever or any estate they may afterwards acquire , and in case any of the said Negroes are to be removed out of the state for the said Negroes to be returned to my estate and to be hired out for the benefit of my three sons Howel L Jeffries, Charles and Richard Jeffries.

Item: I give unto my daughter Lucy Brown one mare, saddle and bridle, one bed and furniture which property she has received. I also lend unto my said daughter Lucy Brown one Negro girl named Jain with her increase if any until they should arrive to twenty five years to be judged by the court and then to be free from the claim or claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever or any Estate they may afterwards acquire and in case of any of the said Negroes should be removed out of this state for said Negroes to be returned to my estate for the benefit of my family.

Item: I give to my daughter Jain Barnes one mare and eighty dollars and bed and furniture which property she has received. I also lend unto my said daughter Jain Barnes one Negro girl named Fanny for the space of fourteen years and then to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever or any estate she may afterward acquire. I also lend to my daughter Jain Barnes the increase of the said Negro if any until they arrive to twenty five years to be judged by the court and then to be free from the claim or claims of any Person or Persons whatsoever or any estate they may afterward acquire and in case any of the said Negroes should be removed out of this state for the said Negroes to be returned to my estate for the use of my family.

Item: I give unto my daughter Susannah Jeffries one Horse bridle and saddle, one Bed and furniture. Also I lend unto my said daughter one Negro girl Sally with all her increase until they arrive to twenty five years to be judged by the court and then to be free from the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever or any Estate they may afterward acquire and in case any of the said Negroes should be removed out of this state the said Negro or Negroes to be returned to my Estate for the use of my family.

Item: My Desire and Will is that after my death that each of my daughters should receive twenty shillings each which is all they are to have out of my Estate together with what I have given in my Will. I appoint my friend Richard Boyd, Alexander Boyd and my two sons John Jeffires and Achilles Jeffries Executors to this my last Will and Testament. In Testimony where of I have here unto at my hand and Seal this 27th day of Jan Eighteen hundred and three.

In Presence of.......

Samuel Scott. Swepson Jeffries

Samuel Bland

John Bugg

At court held for Mecklenburg county the 13 day of June 1803.

This will was proved by the Oath of Samuel Scott and John Bugg witness thereto and ordered to be Recorded

Record Location

WB 5:126

Document Type



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“1803 - Jeffries to Chloe, et al - Mecklenburg Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1137.