1783 - Madkins to Hannah, et al - Mecklenburg Co, VA
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Number of Persons
Text of Freedom Document
I Thomas Durham Madkins of Mecklenburg County in Virginia Being fully persuaded that freedom is the natural Right of all mankind and that it is my duty to do unto others as I would desire to be done by in the like situation and having under my care one Negroe [sic] whom I have heretofore held as a slave of the following name and age viz. Hannah aged thirty six years I hereby emancipate and set free all and every of the above named slaves and I do for myself my Heirs Executors and Administrators relinquish all my right title Interest Claim or Pertention [sic] of claim whatsoever either to her person or to any estate she may hereafter Acquire. And having also several Negroes now in their minority viz. of the following names and ages viz. Charls born 10th day of the Tenth month of 1765 Dick was born the fifteenth day of the tenth month 1766 Bett was born the seventh day of the seventh month 1768 Beck was born the seventeenth day of the first month 1771 Peg was born the fifteenth day of the ninth month 1773 Jacob was born the ninth day of the second month 1776 Ben was born the twenty fifth day of the fifth month 1778 Ann was born the seventh day of the of the third month 1779 all of every one of which I also hereby emancipate and set free yet I beleave [sic] it Right for me to reserve the prerogative of acting as Guardian over them until males arrive to the age of twenty one, and the females to the age of Eighteen years. I do for my self heirs Executors and Administrators relinquish all my right title Interest and claim or pertension [sic] of claim whatsoever either to their persons or to any Estate they may acquire after they shall attain to ages above said, which will be at the following times. Viz. Charles will be free the fifteenth day of the second month of 1786. Dick will be free the fifteenth day of tenth month 1787. Bett will be free the seventh day of the seventh month 1786. Beck will be free the seventeenth day of the fifth month 1780. Peg will be free the fifteenth day of the ninth month 1794. Jacob will be free the ninth day of the second month 1797. Ben will be free the twentyfifth [sic] day of the fifth month 1799. Ann will be free the eleventh day of the third month 1797 then to enjoy their full Freedom without any Interruption from me or any person Claiming for, by, from, or under me. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of eighth month in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty two.
Thomas D Madkins (seal)
Sealed and Delivered in presence of…
Timothy Ward
Hezekiah Tabor
Daniel Marrow
Garrard Ladd
At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 14th day of April 1783
This Emancipation was acknowledged by Thomas Durham Madkins and ordered to be recorded.
John Brown Clerk Court
Thomas D Madkins (seal)
Sealed and Delivered in presence of…
Timothy Ward
Hezekiah Tabor
Daniel Marrow
Garrard Ladd
At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 14th day of April 1783
This Emancipation was acknowledged by Thomas Durham Madkins and ordered to be recorded.
John Brown Clerk Court
Record Location
DB 6:256
Document Type
“1783 - Madkins to Hannah, et al - Mecklenburg Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 10, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1126.