1859 - Read to Stephen, et al. - Nelson Co, VA

Dublin Core


1859 - Read to Stephen, et al. - Nelson Co, VA


Deed of manumission to Stephen, Jane, Bluford, Stephen, Lizzy, and Sam from Samuel Read of Nelson County, VA


Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata




Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

Whereas Stephen Turner of the County of Nelson did by a Certain deed executed in the year 1858 which deed is duly recorded in the Clerks Office of Nelson County Court- give grant and delivering to me Certain slaves therein named to wit Stephen a man, Jane a woman the wife of said Stephen and their Children four in number to wit Bluford a boy Stephen a boy Lizzy a girl, and Samuel a boy, and two other children. Old slaves to wit Jo a man aged about Sixty five and Cleary a woman the Mother of said Stephen, and whereas from Motives of Tolerance I have resolved to emancipate said Slaves, during my life, that they may remove from the state of Virginia and Settle elsewhere, Now therefore animated by this purpose, and moved by these Motives, I Samuel Read of the County of Nelson, and State of Virginia have this 4th day of April 1859 Manumitted emancipated and set free from Slavery and do here by manumit emancipate and set free from Slavery and My following negro Slaves account as aforesaid to wit. Stephen, a Mulatto Man aged thirty four years. and about Six feet in height Jane a Mulatto woman aged Twenty nine years, and about four and 1 (one) inch feet in height which said Jane is the wife of said Stephen together with their Children four in number to wit Bluford a boy, aged eight-years
and four feet one inch in height Stephen a boy aged six years and three feet Nine inches in height Lizzy a girl three years old and three feet in height, and Sam an infant. And I do hereby give grant and unto the said Stephen and Jane and their children as aforesaid to wit Bluford, Stephen Lizzy and Sam and with the future increase of the said persons hereby emancipated, all my right, title and claim of in and to their persons, labor and services and the persons labor and services of their said future increase and of in and to all the estate and property which any of the said persons may heretofore have acquired and all or which any of the said persons hereby emancipated may hereafter acquire or Obtain in testament whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this 4th day of April 1859

Nelson County Court

Samuel Read {Seal}

Jno H Pamplin a Justice of the Peace for the County aforesaid in the state
of Virginia do Certify that Samuel Read whose name is signed to the writing above bearing date of the 4th day of April 1859 has acknowledged the same before me in my County aforesaid Given under My hand this 4th day of April 1859

Jno. H. Pamplin J.P.
At the clerks Office of Nelson County Court April 5th 1859
his deed was Presented duly Certified by a justice of this County as to the acknowledgement of Samuel Read a party hereto and admitted to Record
Teste. Seaton. H. Loving Clerk

Record Location

DB 15:372

Document Type



husband and wife (Stephen & Jane) and their four children


1859_Nelson_Read to Stephen_Deed book 15_372 - Copy.jpg


“1859 - Read to Stephen, et al. - Nelson Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1113.