1800 - Colvert to Joshua - Charlotte Co, VA
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1800 - Colvert to Joshua - Charlotte Co, VA
Manumission of Joshua through the last will of Nelson Colvert of Charlotte County, VA
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Text of Freedom Document
In the name of God amen, this twenty first day of March one thousand eight hundred being sickly in body but in perfect good memory, thanks be to almighty God – and calling to remembrance the uncertain state of this transitory life, and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please god, also divers other good causes- moving me thereunto- do make constitute and ordain and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and form following- that is to say- First I will that all those debts and dues as I owe in right, and conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contented and paid – or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease by my Executors hereafter named- Item it is my will and pleasure that the mulatto boy named Joshua do remain with Rachel Adams to the age of twenty one years & then to have his freedom according to law- Item I leave unto Rachel Adams my cow which is with calf at this time, as also half of the household furniture the other half & bed with the yearling to Chloe Adams what money is due to me for the sale of my place by James Arnold Sen- one seven pounds out of the first payment to go to the expences [sic] for burying me in a decent manner the other three pounds to be paid to Chloe Adams to furnish herself and Joshua on their way to Petersburg – the balance of Arnolds note of hand which six dollars and one shilling to go in part to discharge Jones’s note of hand against me -The balance to be paid out of the sale of my plantation utensils and carpenters tools – Item I leave the second payment of my land to John Johnson – I leave the third payment to John Haley Jun. – Item I leave my saddle to Joshua – and the fourth payment Asa Blankenship – Item if the cow has a calf I leave it to Milly Adams – Item I constitute & appoint Ambrose Haley and Hezekiah Almond my executors. As witness my hand and seal this day and year first above written.
Witness. W Clark, John Haley, Susanah Haley Nelson Colvert (seal)
This last will and testament of Nelson Colvert decd was presented in Court by Hezekiah Almond one of the Executors herein named and the same was proved by the oath of William Clark one of the witnesses hereto subscribed and ordered to be certified and the said Hezekiah Almond renounced in open court the burden of the Execution of the said will. And at a court held for the said County the 7th day of July 1800 – The same was further proved by the oath of John Haley one of the witnesses hereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded. And Ambrose Haley the other Executor named in the will renounced in open Court the burden of the Execution of the said will. – On the motion of Levy Blankenship who made oath according to law Certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration of the said Estate with the will annexed he giving security. Whereupon he with Henry Haley his security entered into and acknowledged their bond for that purpose. Teste, Thomas Read, Clerk
Truly recorded, Thomas Read, CC
Witness. W Clark, John Haley, Susanah Haley Nelson Colvert (seal)
This last will and testament of Nelson Colvert decd was presented in Court by Hezekiah Almond one of the Executors herein named and the same was proved by the oath of William Clark one of the witnesses hereto subscribed and ordered to be certified and the said Hezekiah Almond renounced in open court the burden of the Execution of the said will. And at a court held for the said County the 7th day of July 1800 – The same was further proved by the oath of John Haley one of the witnesses hereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded. And Ambrose Haley the other Executor named in the will renounced in open Court the burden of the Execution of the said will. – On the motion of Levy Blankenship who made oath according to law Certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration of the said Estate with the will annexed he giving security. Whereupon he with Henry Haley his security entered into and acknowledged their bond for that purpose. Teste, Thomas Read, Clerk
Truly recorded, Thomas Read, CC
Record Location
WB 2:173
Document Type
“1800 - Colvert to Joshua - Charlotte Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1052.