1799 - Bouldin to Clary - Charlotte Co, VA

Dublin Core


1799 - Bouldin to Clary - Charlotte Co, VA


Deed of manumission to Clary from William Bouldin of Charlotte County, VA


Manumission Item Data Item Type Metadata





Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting, know ye that I William Bouldin of the County of Charlotte, for sundry good causes and considerations one thereunto moving, as well as the services and labor heretofore rendered to me by my Mulatto Girl named Clary do Emansipate [sic] discharge and make free the said Clary and she is henceforth declared and to be deemed and considered as a free person, to all intents and purposes & no more to be considered as a slave, or any part of my Estate or any other person or persons claiming by from or under me, and from henceforward do I by this my Deed of Emansipation declare her free indeed. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this Eleventh day of October 1799.
William Bouldin (seal)
Signed, Sealed & Acknowledged
In presence of Thomas Read
At a Court held for Charlotte County the 4th day of November 1799
This written instrument Emansipating [sic] Clary a Mulato girl belonging to William Bouldin of the said County was Acknowledged in Court by the said William Bouldin to be his act and Deed, and on his motion the same is ordered to be recorded.
Teste, Thomas Read, Clerk
Truly Recorded
Thomas Read, CC

Record Location

B 8:202-203

Document Type



1799_Charlotte Co_Bouldin to Clary_ Deed Book 8 pg 202.jpg
1799_Charlotte Co_Bouldin to Clary_ Deed Book 8 pg 203.jpg


“1799 - Bouldin to Clary - Charlotte Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1048.