1791 - Tarpley to Fann & Daniel - Charlotte Co, VA

Dublin Core


1791 - Tarpley to Fann & Daniel - Charlotte Co, VA


Manumission of Fann & Daniel by the last will of James Tarpley


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Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

In the name of God Amen I James Tarpley of the Parish of Cornwall, County of Charlotte and State of Virginia, Planter, being very sick and weak in body and of perfect mind and memory thanks be to almighty God for it, and knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner & form as follows, that is I resign my soul to God who gave it in hopes of his blessed acceptance of the same and my body to the dust from whence it originated in same and contain hopes of a general resurrection of all men at the last day. And as for what worldly substance the Lord has been pleased to bestow upon me I will and bequeath as follows. Imprimus, I will and bequeath to the Paraches [sic] of the Methodist Episcopal church the meeting house with one acre of land on which it standeth with the free use and liberty of the [?Spring?] Item I will and desire that my Negro woman Fann shall be free on the first of January one thousand eight hundred. Item my will is that my Negro boy Daniel shall be free in the year one thousand eight hundred and nine. Item My will is that part of my stocks, such as my Executors think proper may be sold for the use of schooling my children and that all the rest of my Estate both real and personal be kept together to support my children until the youngest may become of age, at which time my will is, that the whole of my Estate both real and personal, be equally divided among all my Children, that is now unmarried making my two Daughters, Mary Eudaley and Elizabeth Miller equal with the others, with what they have had. Item my will is that all my sons, William Tarpley, Robert, Thomas, John Oldham, and Peterson Tarpley, have each of them a house as they come of age, and it is my desire that thee be no appraisement of my estate, and I do hereby constitute and appoint John Tarpley, David Milwell Miller and Lewis Hammack Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 2nd day of November in the year one thousand seven hundred & ninety one.
James Tarpley (seal)
Signed sealed & published in the presence of
James Elmore, John Eudaley, William Tarpley

At a Court held for Charlotte County the 6 day of February 1792
This last Will and Testament of James Tarpley decd was exhibited in Court by John Tarpley and James Miller two of the Executors herein named and the same was proved by the oath of James Elmore, John Eudaley, and William Tarpley and ordered to be recorded, on the motion of the said Executors who made oath according to law, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form they giving security whereupon they together with William Ward their security entered into and acknowledged their bond according to law for that purpose. Teste, Thomas Read, Clerk
And at a Court held for the said County of Charlotte the 2nd day of April 1792 Lewis Hammack the other Executor herein named, renounced the burden of execution of the said will.
Teste, Thomas Read, Clerk
Truly recorded
Thomas Read, CC

Record Location

WB 2:21

Document Type



1791_Charlotte Co_Tarpley_Will Book 2 pg 21.jpg
1791_Charlotte Co_Tarpley_Will Book 2 pg 22.jpg


“1791 - Tarpley to Fann & Daniel - Charlotte Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed January 17, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1042.