1859 - Crank to Robert, et al - Albemarle Co, VA

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1859 - Crank to Robert, et al - Albemarle Co, VA


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Number of Persons


Text of Freedom Document

Know all men by these presents that I Martha L Crank of the County of Albemarle and State of Virginia do hereby manumit and set free forever the following slaves viz. Bob Jones and his wife Nelly and their future increase, and also their children named Henry, Sally, Sophia, Maria and Allen and their future increase of the females of them.
Bob Jones is a tolerable bright Mulatto about forty years old, Nelly is black and forty five years old, Henry is about 23 years old, Sally about 21, Sophia about 20, Maria about 18 and Allen 15 years old, all of them darker mulattos than the father Bob Jones. The foregoing slaves were sent to the state of Ohio in the fall of 1854 without free papers and this intended to supply that omission.
Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of July 1859.
Martha L Crank (seal)

Albemarle County to wit:
This day Martha L Crank whose name is signed to the writing above personally appeared before me, a notary public for the county aforesaid and State of Virginia, and acknowledged the same to be her act and deed.
Given under my hand this 12th July 1859
Del. Hartsook NP
In the Clerks Office Albemarle County July 15th 1859
This deed was presented to me in said office & being duly certified was admitted to record.
Teste, Ira Garrett, CC

Record Location

DB 58:98


1859_Albemarle_Crank to Bob_Deed Book 58_98.jpg


“1859 - Crank to Robert, et al - Albemarle Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 16, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1026.