1841 - Magill to Meredith - Albemarle Co, VA
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Text of Freedom Document
Know all Men, by these Presents, that I, Henry St. George Tucker, executor of the late Dr Alfred Magill, do by the direction of his last Will and with the assent of Mrs Anne E. Magill, his general Legatee, testified by her signing and sealing this instrument, hereby emancipate and set free Mulatto Meredith, formerly the Slave of the said Alfred Magill. And I, the said Anne, E, Magill, do hereby ratify and confirm the said Emancipation.
Witness our hands and seals October 7, 1839 H St. G Tucker (Seal) Anna E. J. Magill (Seal) Witness Geo B
Beale W Shortt
At a court held for Jefferson County on the 21st day of October 1839, the foregoing Deed was proved by the
oaths pf Geo. B Beale & Wm Shortt, the subscribing witnesses thereto. & ordered to be recorded
Teste S J Cramer cc [clerk of court] A Copy
Teste Samuel J. Cramer CJC
Clerkâs office of Albemarle County Court 3rd May 1841-
This Deed of Emancipation was presented in said office an d being duly certified, admitted to record-
Teste Ira Garrett C.C.
Mr Woodley Sir
Witness our hands and seals October 7, 1839 H St. G Tucker (Seal) Anna E. J. Magill (Seal) Witness Geo B
Beale W Shortt
At a court held for Jefferson County on the 21st day of October 1839, the foregoing Deed was proved by the
oaths pf Geo. B Beale & Wm Shortt, the subscribing witnesses thereto. & ordered to be recorded
Teste S J Cramer cc [clerk of court] A Copy
Teste Samuel J. Cramer CJC
Clerkâs office of Albemarle County Court 3rd May 1841-
This Deed of Emancipation was presented in said office an d being duly certified, admitted to record-
Teste Ira Garrett C.C.
Mr Woodley Sir
Record Location
DB 38:446
Secondary Source
Library of Virginia
“1841 - Magill to Meredith - Albemarle Co, VA,” Manumission Project, accessed February 11, 2025, https://manumissionproject.omeka.net/items/show/1009.