Browse Items (22 total)

1859_Mecklenburg_Baskervill to Robert_DB 36_130-131.jpg

1859_Albemarle_Crank to slaves_Deed Book 58_192-193 copy.jpg

1859_Albemarle_Crank to slaves_Deed Book 58_192-193.jpg

1859_Albemarle_Crank to James_Deed Book 58_192-193.jpg

1859_Albemarle_Crank to Bob_Deed Book 58_98.jpg

1859_Augusta_Crawford to Matilda_WB_36_567.jpg

1859_Nelson_Ditton to all slaves_WB K 93.jpg

1854_Louisa_Goodwin_WB 15_59.jpg
Manumission of Tom by the last will & testament of Harwood Goodwin of Louisa Co, VA


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