Browse Items (23 total)


1859_Carroll_Lundy to Azariah_DB 7_191.jpg

1859_Bath_McDaunald to Riley_DB 12_132.jpg

1859_Staunton_Merillat to Davis Lewis_DB 4_294.jpg

1859_Pulaski_Patton to George & Phillis_DB 3_216.jpg

1859_Fauquier_Payne to Gillison_DB 58_279.jpg

1859_Nelson_Read to Stephen_Deed book 15_372 - Copy.jpg
Deed of manumission to Stephen, Jane, Bluford, Stephen, Lizzy, and Sam from Samuel Read of Nelson County, VA

1859_Roanoke_Read to Susan_DB F_413.jpg


1859_Amherst_Seay_Will Book B_72.jpg
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