Browse Items (28 total)

1851_Mecklenburg_Garland to Elizabeth_DB 33_494.jpg

1851_Albemarle_Harrison to Becky_Deed Book 50_81.jpg

Manumission of Anne Coby (Anne Kimbrough), Hugh M. Cosby (Hugh M. Kinbrough), Josephine Lewis Kimbrough, and Robert N. Kimbrough by the last will & testament of William Kimbrough of Louisa Co, VA


1851_Alleghany_Lee to Elizabeth_DB 5_156.jpg

1851_Bath_Lee to Elizabeth_WB 5_459.jpg

1851_Dinwiddie_May to Adam_DB 7_126.jpg

1851_Bath_McDaunald to Emanuel Bond_WB 5_459.jpg

1851_Rappahannock_Mozingo to Washington et al_WB H_44.jpg

1851_Halifax_Nelson to Mary et al_Will Book 23_536.jpg
Manumission of seven individuals by the last will of Nathaniel Nelson of Halifax County, VA
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