Browse Items (20 total)

1849_Fauquier_Burroughs to George_DB 49_100.jpg

1849_Fauquier_Burroughs to Milford_DB 49_100.jpg

1849_Fauquier_Burroughs to Preston_DB 49_100.jpg

1849_Roanoke_Deaton to slaves_WB 1_49.jpg

1849_Dinwiddie_Nicholas to Kezia_WB 4_331.jpg

1849_Carroll_Stephens to Susan et al_WB 1_213.jpg

1848_Madison_Twyman to 37 slaves_WB 9_13.jpg

1850_Madison_Twyman to Harriet_DB 19_134.jpg

1849_Rappahannock_Brown to Tom_WB C_1.jpg

1830_Winchester_Bent to John_DB 9_345.jpg
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