Browse Items (24 total)

1841_Chesterfield_Archer to James_WB 15_396.jpg

1841_Charlotte Co_Armistead to Aggy_Deed Book 24 pg 48.jpg
Manumission of Aggy Langly & her daughter Elizabeth through self-purchase in the amount of $1 from John Armistead of Charlotte County, VA

1841_Winchester_Baker to Peyton_DB 8_310.jpg

1841_Prince Edward_Chappell to Emaline_DB 23_220.jpg

1841_Staunton_Geiger to Sally Jackson_WB 2_9.jpg


1844_Chesterfield_Howard, H_WB 15_312.jpg

1841_Rockbridge_Irvine to Samuel_DB_W_30.jpg

1841_Albemarle_Lewis to Randall Jones_Deed Book 39_98.jpg

1841_Nelson_Lewis to Washington & Susan_WB F_167.jpg
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