Browse Items (14 total)

1839_Winchester_George to Harry_DB 8_244.jpg

1839_Bath_Brown to Lewis_WB 4_476.jpg

1839_Rappahannock_Van Horn to Jinny_DB C_424 - Copy.jpg

1839_Rappahannock_Fennell to Mahala_DB C_423.jpg

1839_Rappahannock_Holland to Milly Holland et al_DB C_378.jpg

1839_Fauquier_Nelson to Frank_DB 39_283.jpg

1839_Botetourt_Kennerly to William_DB 24_197.jpg

Burton to Lucy et al_Page_1.jpg
Manumission of Lucy, Alexander, Ottey, and Polly Rose through the last will & testament of James Halley Burton of Nelson Co, VA

1839_Albemarle_Isaacs to Nancy_Deed Book 37_327-328 copy.jpg

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